Chapter 1: Intro

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It was the end of the school day, and Kokichi was grabbing his bag. As he stood up, he bumped into someone's chest.

"Hi, Kokichi." Kiibo said, his eyes and voice dull of emotion. Thankfully, Kokichi hadn't hit Kiibo's chest hard, and was unharmed. "O-oh, hi K-Kiibo. W-what's up?" Kokichi asked. "I wanted to say hi to you. Hi." Kiibo replied.

"I-I know you w-wanted to say hi... n-nevermind. Have you s-seen Shuichi around here?" He asked, hoping the answer was no.

Ever since Kokichi had mentioned that he watched Danganronpa, Shuichi had been extremely interested in him. Almost to the point where Kokichi couldn't take two steps without him bombarding him with questions, such as; "What's your favorite season of Danganronpa? Mines the first! Because Kyoko is in it. She's my favorite character out of all of them!"

After Rantaro and Kiibo had gotten Shuichi to leave Kokichi alone, Shuichi had taken to stalking him.

"Shuichi? I haven't seen him. He's probably hanging around in a corner somewhere, watching that show he's obsessed with. What was it... Dan Gay Ronda?" Kiibo said, purposely getting the name wrong. He was wearing a small smile, so small that if Kokichi was right next to him, he wouldn't of noticed.

Kokichi gave a small chuckle. "Yeah, he really likes that show... I-I'm just worried he's gonna s-stalk me again tonight...." His eyes were full of fear, imagining Shuichi watching him while he slept, or got dressed. Kiibo made a thoughtful "Hmm". He then had an idea.

"What if you put up blinds? Then he wouldn't be able to peep through the window." He suggested. Kokichi looked surprised at the suggestion, and gave Kiibo a smile. "T-thats a good idea. M-maybe I at-will..." His voice trailed off, before he remembered that he was supposed to be getting home. "O-oh, anyways, t-thank you for the a-advice, Kiibo. B-bye." Kokichi started heading out the door, and waved goodbye at Kiibo, feeling much better than before. Kiibo waved back. "Bye." He said. After that, Kokichi started going home.

Kiibo stood there, a bit awkwardly, staring at the door. He then realized that he was the last one in the classroom, so he swiftly grabbed his bag and headed home as well.

As Kokichi headed home, it started to get a bit dark. He felt afraid, and sincerely hoped that no one was following him, or waiting to grab him from the shadows. Thankfully, nothing bad like that happened, and he made it home safely.

Once Kokichi got to his apartment, he shut the door, locked it, then made sure that all the windows were locked as well. He sighed a breath of relief, feeling secure and safe. He headed up to his bedroom, since his parents were already passed out, and flopped onto his bed. He checked his phone, and scrolled around on Social Media for awhile before deciding it was time for bed. He set his phone up, changed out of his uniform and into his pajamas, and went to bed.

Kiibo's journey home was a long walk, but it didn't bother him. He wasn't very excited to get home, as he'd have to have his daily inspection by one of his creators, one of his 'parents'.

He actually liked the feeling of walking alone at night. It felt so foreboding, like something or someone could grab you at any minute, but it was also quiet, and peaceful.

He arrived home, went through the inspection, then was free to go to his room to recharge. Before he did so, he placed his hat on a rack, and thought it would be beneficial to play a quick puzzle game before bed.

After finishing his game, he closed his laptop, and headed to his recharging station. Today was a long day, and little did he know, tomorrow would be longer.

《_________End of Chapter 1________》

Words: 660

Thank you for reading. I added a bit more detail than what was actually in the roleplay, but I hope it turned out fine.
Writing the characters as their pregame selves is... interesting to say the least. I have my own opinions, thoughts and headcannons about the characters, that I hope make sense in the story. Anyways, if you liked the chapter, please vote. It helps motivate me to wrote even more for you guys! Bye bye for now.]

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