Chapter 10: Ignorance is Bliss

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Kiibo 'awoke'. He didn't want to go to school today. But he couldn't think of an excuse to skip out. So, he decided to get ready as slowly as possible.

Shuichi was feeling the complete opposite. He was excited to go to school. So, he got ready quickly, and ate his breakfast on the way to school.

Kokichi had awakened as well, and was getting ready. He put on his usual uniform, and started towards the school.

Shuichi had already arrived, and was chatting with Kaede while keeping an eye out for Kokichi.

As Kokichi made his way to school, Maki caught up with him. "Hiya! Last night was pretty fun, right?" She asked. Kokichi nodded. "It was p-pretty fun." He stammered. They were nearly at the school.

Shuichi was tapping his fingers against his arm impatiently. He was tired of waiting. Kaede noticed, but frankly didn't care.

Finally, Kokichi arrived. He tried to go around Shuichi, but he had already seen him. "ByeKaedeIgottaGo-" Shuichi quickly said, then went off to greet Kokichi. "Bye, I guess." She muttered, unaffected. "Kokichi! Hi." Shuichi greeted, smiling sweetly. "Oh, and Maki." He acknowledged her presence. "H-hi, Shuichi...." Kokichi stammered. Maki stared at Shuichi. "Hi...?" She greeted, slightly confused. Shuichi pretended to just now notice Kiibo's absence. "Huh? Where's Kiiboy? Isn't he always like, five inches away from you?" Shuichi asked. "U-um... I dunno where he is...." Kokichi mumbled.

"Huh, ok. Well, I'll see you in class!" Shuichi said, then ran into the building. In reality, he was going to watch and see if Kiibo was going to comply. He stood by the window. "If this works, Kokichi will be mine. I'll win."

Kiibo finally turned around the corner. He immediately picked out Kokichi in the crowd, and made sure to put as much distance between them. "Hh... I really wish we didn't have so many classes together." Kiibo thought to himself. Luckily for him, Kokichi was too wrapped up in whatever Maki was saying to notice Kiibo walking in. He took two steps in before feeling a hand grip his shoulder. He turned to see Shuichi grinning at him.

"That wasn't so hard, now was it?" Shuichi asked, grinning wider than Kiibo thought was humanly possible. He didn't want to talk to Shuichi, or look at him, so he slapped Shuichi's hand away and dashed to his classroom. "Aw. I'm gonna miss messing with that little shit. Oh well!" He made sure his smile looked more humane, and practically skipped his way to class.

"Hey, Kokichi. We should head in. If we don't, we might be late." Maki urged. Kokichi looked out to the road. "B-but I wanted to wait f-for Kiibo...." His voice trailed off. "I'm sure he's fine. He might even be inside already. Now, come on." She urged again, a little more forceful this time. Kokichi sighed, and the two went inside to their ckassrooms.

Kiibo was reading a book, and didn't look up when Kokichi entered. Kokichi was about to greet him, but noticed he seemed super absorbed in whatever he was reading, so he didn't. Shuichi was in his seat, pretending not to be staring at Kokichi snd Kiibo. "Hopefully, Kokichi will try and push him to talk to him, and Kiibo will lash out. Wishful thinking, but...." Shuichi thought to himself.

At the end of the class, Kiibo had left the classroom before Kokichi could talk to him. "But... we always walk together...." Kokichi thought sadly.

Soon enough, lunch came. Kokichi sat on the roof like usual, waiting for Kiibo to come. Instead of eating, he was sketching something out. He heard footsteps on the stairs, and turned, expecting Kiibo.
It wasn't Kiibo. It was Shuichi. "Hi, Kokichi!" Shuichi greeted, and sat next to him.  "O-oh... hi...." Shuichi noticed that Kokichi had his sketchbook out again. "Oh! What're you drawing?" He asked. "Um... w-well... I was d-drawing you to practice drawing h-hats...." Kokichi mumbled.

Shuichi gasped. "You're drawing me?! I'm flattered! Do you want me to pose, or anything?" He asked. Kokichi shook his head. "Oh, alright then." Shuichi started eating his lunch.

"Wouldn't it be just... perfect if Kokichi fed me? Just like Hajime and Nagito...." Shuichi thought to himself. He sensed movement next to him, and turned back to Kokichi. Kokichi had set the sketchbook aside, and had begun eating his bento. "Oh, are you done?" Shuichi asked, wiping some crumbs off his own face. Kokichi nodded, without looking up from his lunch. Shuichi grabbed the sketchbook, and looked at the drawing.

"Kokichi... this is... amazing! Can I keep it?" He asked. Kokichi nodded, and took the book from him to rip the page out. After doing so, he handed the page to him. Shuichi took it, and scooted closer to Kokichi. "Thanks... Kokichi...." Shuichi murmured. Kokichi felt his face start hearing up, and he got up and ran down the stairs, and back to the building. Shuichi let him go. "He'll get used to us being close." Shuichi figured, and wore that creepy smile from before.

Kokichi had made it down the stairs before realizing that he had left his stuff up there. He sighed, and slowly headed back up to retrieve them.

Kiibo was on the last few pages of his book. Luckily, there was a library nearby, so he could get a new book later today. Kiibo closed the book, and looked up at the ceiling. "Ignoring Kokichi has been... easy." Kiibo didn't know what he had been expecting. Kokichi to try and get him to talk? Kokichi getting mad? Perhaps Kiibo had over thought the whole situation. Maybe him and Kokichi weren't as close as Kiibo had thought they were.

Kokichi headed up the stairs as quietly as he could. Just as he was expecting, Shuichi was still there. He had moved from the middle of the roof to the edge, and was letting his feet hang off the edge. Kokichi recognized the paper that was under his hand was his drawing that he had given Shuichi. But this wasn't the time to observe what Shuichi was doing. Kokichi was here for his empty bento box, and his sketchbook. He tiptoed his way to them, without Shuichi turning around.

Shuichi knew that Kokichi was there, but it wouldn't really benefit him if he turned around. So, he pretended not to notice.

Kokichi grabbed his things and left, as quickly and quietly as he could.

Kiibo was sitting in the hall still, waiting for the bell to ring. "This period is taking forever...." He thought to himself.

Just as Kokichi started back down the stairs, the bell rung. Kokichi hurried as quickly as he could to class, and Kiibo slowly got up and walked. Shuichi got off the roof, and headed to his own class.

During the next few periods, Kokichi attempted to talk to Kiibo, with the robot simply grunting or nodding as a response. Shuichi gave Kiibo a few reminders of their agreement, via creepy smiles and intimidating stares. Eventually, Kokichi stopped trying to talk to him. Kiibo was both relieved and a little bummed out. However, those weren't logical feelings at all, so he cast them aside and focused on his studies.

Then, the end of the day came.

《________End Of Chapter 10 _______》

Words: 1219

[Thanks for reading. If you liked the chapter, go ahead and vote! I've been kinda bored lately. I also haven't been able to draw anything without hating it... hhhh]

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