Chapter 20: Trying Again [And Failing]

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"Kiiibooooo!" Maki shouted. Kiibo turned. She was running after him. Kiibo stopped walking, not that it would have made a difference if he continued walking. "I got permission from the school for us to skip today, and look for Kokichi." She said, after catching up. "Huh? How'd you do that?" Kiibo asked.

"My dad is friends with the principal." Maki said. "Oh. But... where should we look?" Kiibo asked. "Let's go back to Shuichi's house!" She exclaimed, pointing in its general direction. "Huh? But he doesn't know where Kokichi is." Kiibo stated. "Maybe that's  true, but we could try and get him to help us!" Maki explained. "Maki... that's... actually not a bad idea." Kiibo said. "Didn't expect someone as hot-headed and irrational as her to think of a plan." Kiibo thought. "I know! I thought of it. Anyways, let's go!" She said, and pulled on Kiibo's arm to try and get him to hurry up.

"Maki, when we get there, let me knock and do the talking." Kiibo said. "Huh?! Why?" Maki asked, bewildered. "We don't want a repeat of what happened last time." Maki was about to argue, but knew that Kiibo was right. So instead, she just huffed and replied "Fine".

Shuichi knocked on the door again. "Kokichi? Let me out." He demanded. Kokichi knew that the front door was locked, so he couldn't go there. "My friends don't give up easily... they might come back today. Maybe... it's a long shot, but what other choice do I have?" Kokichi remembered that there was a small closet downstairs. "Kokichi! Let me out now!" Shuichi shouted.

Kokichi ran downstairs, as Shuichi burst through the door. "Hey! Come back!" He shouted, but Kokichi neither slowed or looked back. He quickly ran into the closet, and used an umbrella to barricade the door. He curled up in a ball as he heard Shuichi's steps grow closer. "What're you doing?" He asked, venom oozing from his words. "N-Nothing." Kokichi stuttered. "Nothing, huh? If you're not busy, then come out." Shuichi coaxed. "N-No."

"Why is he acting like this? All I've done is take care of him...." Shuichi sighed. "Fine then. I wonder if I could break this door down...? That airhead Maki was able to break my door with ease."  Shuichi said, hoping to scare Kokichi out of the closet. Kokichi's eyes widened in fear, but he didn't come out.

Surprising both Kokichi and Shuichi, they heard a knock at the door. "Dammit. Why'd someone have to come to the door right now???" Shuichi thought bitterly. "Kokichi. You better keep your mouth shut. I don't think I need to tell you what'll happen if you don't." Shuichi whispered. Kokichi shuddered. Shuichi walked over to the door. "...Who is it?" He called out.

"Its Maki and Kiibo! Open up now!" Maki yelled. Shuichi heard who he assumed to be Kiibo shushing her. "I'm not letting you in! Not after last time!" Shuichi responded. "I apologize for Maki's actions. All we'd like to do is ask you to help find Kokichi." Kiibo explained. "Shit. What am I supposed to say to that?" Shuichi wondered. After a few moments of silence, Kiibo called to Shuichi again. "Uhm, are you there?" He asked. "...I can't help you. I'm super busy." Shuichi said.

"Kiibo. Shuichi's lying, Kokichi told me that he was stalking him, I'm sure that Shuichi has something to do with his disappearance. C'mon, he's not going to let us in. Let me break the door down!" Maki whispered to Kiibo. "Maki, no." He whispered back. "Shuichi, isn't Kokichi's safety more important than whatever it is you're doing?" Kiibo asked, hoping he sounded inspirational or something like that. "Maybe. But I wouldn't even know where to begin looking! Besides, if I joined your guy's search party, I know Maki would just tell me off with whatever I did." Shuichi reasoned.

Maki opened her mouth to argue, but knew that Shuichi was probably right. She couldn't help but hate the guy, he was rude and creepy to everyone. "I promise she wouldn't!" Kiibo said, still trying. "No. Go away." Shuichi replied coldly. "Shuichi, come on!" Maki shouted. "No! It's... really messy in here." Shuichi said, starting to run out of excuses. "Ugh. Whatever. Kiibo, this isn't working." Maki said. She took a step away from the door. "Huh? You're leaving?" Kiibo asked. Shuichi smiled at that. "You should probably leave too, Kiiboy." Shuichi said in a mocking tone. "Hey, don't call me tha-" Maki grabbed his hand and stormed off.

"That didn't go as planned...." Kiibo mumbled as they walked off. Shuichi laughed. "Ha! Oh, I hope they don't come back! Those two really get on my nerves...." He walked over to the closet that Kokichi was in. "Kokichiiiiii. I'm bored, won't you please come out?" He pleaded. Kokichi sighed. "If I had been braver, I could've gotten out... but I can't risk Maki and Kiibo's safety." Kokichi reluctantly opened the door of the closet, looking frustrated. "Yay!" Shuichi exclaimed, then dived in to give Kokichi a hug. Kokichi felt a chill run up his spine. "Oh, I knew letting you walk around was a mistake... I promise it won't happen again." Shuichi whispered into Kokichi's ear. He layed his head on Kokichi's shoulder.

Kokichi pushed Shuichi off of him, and got up out of the closet. He walked off a little, making a bit of distance between himself and Shuichi. Shuichi, however, closed that distance as soon as it was created. Much like Kokichi did with others when he was nervous, Shuichi gripped Kokichi's arm. "So, Kokichi. Are you needing anything?" Shuichi asked. "N-No. You don't n-need to ask m-me that so often...." Kokichi stammered. "But I just want to make you happy! If you're happy, you'll have no reason to leave, right?" Shuichi grinned. Kokichi didn't really have an answer for that, and he didn't know how or want to respond to something like that. "I mean, we could try doing it the other way around." Shuichi suggested. "Th-The other way around...?" Kokichi questioned, curious as to what Shuichi meant. "Since you've gotten bored with me asking if you need anything, you could ask me that instead!" He replied cheerfully.

"That's... a dumb idea. Like, really dumb. But... I guess I'll go along with it. I'm sure under his cheerful act, he's really angry with me for hiding." Kokichi thought. "O-Ok... d-do you want m-me to do something f-for you, Shuichi?" He asked, a hint of irritation in his voice.

Shuichi either didn't pick up on the irritation, or just didn't care. "Oh... what 'something' is it you've got in mind, exactly...?" He asked in a flirty tone. "I wonder if he's into naughty stuff, like the stuff they have in porn...." Shuichi wondered. As perverted thoughts flooded his mind, his face turned a light pink. "I-I could c-cook something... or clean up a l-little...." Kokichi said.

Shuichi felt a little disappointed, but shook off the feeling. "Oh... sure, I'd like that. What do you wanna make?"

《________End of Chapter 20________》

Words: 1188

[Thank you for reading! Hope you enjoyed, please vote, yahdahyahda. Today's my moms birthday, so I won't be online as much.]

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