Chapter 21: Finally Doing Something

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Maki and Kiibo were walking. "Ugh! Why is Shuichi like this?" Maki complained. Kiibo sighed. "Yeah... I thought he cared for Kokichi." Kiibo said."I know he has something to do with his disappearance!" Maki said. Kiibo raised an eyebrow. "You keep saying that, but you don't have any evidence... do you?" Kiibo asked. "It's a gut feeling! This whole thing feels off! Don't you feel it too?" Maki huffed. "Hmm... I can't say I do." Kiibo answered. Maki sighed.

As they walked, Kiibo felt himself slow. He could sense his battery getting low, so he needed to come up with an excuse to leave. "Kiibo, I think we should call the police." Maki said. " can do that if you feel its... the best course of action...." Kiibo said, hid voice strained. "Huh? Are you ok?" Maki asked, placing a hand on his shoulder. "....Yeah... just... tired. I'm going to go home now...." Kiibo said, starting to walk off. "Oh, ok. I'll call them." Maki said.

Kiibo was only able to walk about three feet away from her before collapsing. "K-Kiibo?!" Maki shrieked, and rushed over to him. She tried to shake him awake, but of course, it didn't work. "Shit! Oh, what do I do, what do I... oh! I got it! I'll call his parents!"

Maki looked around in his pockets for a phone, and luckily found one. "Perfect! Wait, what's his password...?" She panicked. "What's something he'd put as his password...? Oh! Maybe his favorite book!" She suggested. Sure enough, that was the answer. Maki sighed in relief. Thank Makoto Naegi for this stroke of luck. She tapped on the phone icon, and looked through the contacts to find one named 'Caretaker Unit'. "What an odd name to call your parents... wait, theres no time for that!" She called them.

....hello? Kiibo?" A voice came through the phone. "Uhm, its Maki. I'm a friend of Kiibos.'" Maki said. "Oh? That's nice. Why did you contact me?" The man asked. "Uh, Kiibo just suddenly collapsed and won't wake up! We're on... Sukechi Avenue. Please come quickly!" Maki plead. "Alright. I'll be there in a minute." The man said calmly, and hung up. Maki turned off the phone and sat next to her friend. "Does this happen often? Why wasn't he worried?" She wondered.

Soon enough, a car pulled up. A man and a woman hopped out, both wearing lab coats. "This is... weird."

"Hello, are you Maki?" The female asked. Her voice was sweet, almost sickenly so. Maki nodded. The man walked over and lifted the unconscious Kiibo over his shoulders. "Thanks for letting us know. Here, have a candy!" The woman reached into her pocket and handed Maki a lollipop. "Uhm, thanks...." The man plopped Kiibo in the backseat. "Naomi. Hurry up." The man barked. Maki recognized his voice as the one on the phone. The woman, known as Naomi, waved goodbye to Maki before getting in the passenger seat. "Huh? Wait! Is Kiibo going to be ok? Why did he collapse like that?" Maki questioned. Naomi looked at the man. "Haruki? Do you think we should tell her?" Naomi asked. The man, Haruki, thought it over. "...Hey, girl." He said. "Y-Yes?" Maki stammered. "Hop in if you want an answer to those questions." He said.

"Huh?? He just wants me to hop in? But I don't know them... but they're Kiibo's parents, so it should be fine, right?" Maki debated. "Well? Are you coming or not?" He barked. "Ah! Uhm... yes. I'll go." Maki decided she would trust these two. Although, then again, they could be crazy, and that's why Kiibo called them 'Caretaker Unit' on his phone. Maki tried not to think of that as she sat down, and also tried to not look at Kiibo's unconscious body.

And thus, Haruki started driving off to Kiibo's house. While they were driving, Naomi started talking with Maki. "Oh, I'm glad Kiibo is making so many friends! For awhile, we were worried he wouldn't be able to, weren't we, Haruki?" She sounded just like a mother. Haruki merely grunted. "Uhm, so...." Maki wanted answers to her questions. It seemed Naomi figured that was the case. Naomi sighed. "Alright, where should I begin...? Hm, let's start with the obvious. Kiibo is a robot." She said bluntly. It took a second for it to sink in.

"He's... what?!" Maki exclaimed. How was that the obvious? Naomi chuckled. "Of course! Why do you think it's so hard for him to emote?" Sweat rolled down Maki's face. She didn't think it'd be something like this. It almost seemed fake. "So... why did he-" Maki was interrupted by Naomi. "He collapsed because he either ran out of battery, or he has a virus in his system." She explained.

After she had finished talking, they arrived. "We're here." Haruki barked. "I'll take Kiibo in!!" Naomi exclaimed, picking up his body and bringing it inside. Maki hopped out of the car. "Hey, you." Haruki said. Maki turned to him, a bit nervous. "Yes...?" Haruki glared at her. "Don't tell a soul about what you see or hear from this place. Got it?" He growled. Maki nodded. "Are they doing illegal things here...? I'm not sure if this was a good idea...."

They entered the house, and before Maki knew what was happening, she was wrapped up in a hug. "Oh, it's nice to meet you!" An old man was hugging Maki. "Idabashi! Let her go." Haruki growled. The man, Idabashi, complied. "Right, right, my apologies. I'm Professor Idabashi. I'm the one who designed Kiibo!" He said cheerfully. "I'm Maki." Maki said. "Nice to meet you! Oh, and thanks for calling us. We'll fix Kiibo up in a jiffy!" He said. Idabashi turned to Naomi. "Alright, let's get to work. Oh, Maki, do you need a ride home?" Idabashi asked. Maki shook her head. "Uhm, how long will it take for Kiibo to be better?" She asked. "He should be fine by tomorrow!" Naomi said, as she started towards a door, still holding Kiibo. "Oh, ok...." Maki said. "Alright, Maki. I'm sure your parents are getting worried, so you should head home." Idabashi suggested. Maki nodded. "Thanks! And... I promise I won't tell anyone about Kiibo." Maki said. "Thanks. A few of Kiibo's other friends have found out already, like... uh, what was her name...? Miu! Yes, Miu, and Rantaro, and that quiet purple haired one, uh... Kokichi, I think." Idabashi informed Maki. "Ah, ok." Maki said. "Bye!" She said, heading towards the door. "Bye now. And thanks again!" Idabashi said.

As Maki headed home, her thoughts traveled back to Kokichi. He had been gone for a few days, and Maki and Kiibo hadn't been able to find him....
It was time to call the police.

《________End of Chapter 21________》

Words: 1134

[Yay, they're finally doing something smart. Thanks for reading!]

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