Chapter 2: Enter Shuichi

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Kokichi woke up, and rubbed his eyes. He yawned loudly, then glanced at the time. If he got ready in a timely manner, he'd be able to get to school on time.

So, he took a shower and got dressed. He didn't have enough time to eat, or brush his teeth, so he swished some mouth wash in his mouth and headed to school.

All Kiibo had to do was unplug himself from the charging station and grab his hat to be ready for school. It was one of the perks of being a robot. In no time at all, he was walking to school as well.

As Kokichi walked, he thought about how he'd have to endure another day of Shuichi staring and following him from close behind. It was not a pleasant thought. "Ah, well... I'll just have to keep ignoring his staring...." he thought to himself.

He arrived alone at school, and was waiting for Kiibo at the front doors. He could feel goosebumps forming on his skin, he had that feeling of being watched from somewhere again. Hopefully Kiibo would turn up soon.

Kiibo was had arrived onto the campus, and noticed Kokichi waiting for him. Kiibo approached him, and gave him a monotone "Hi, Kokichi". Kiibo did a small wave. "H-hi, Kiibo." He responded. Kiibo pointed towards the school. "Wanna go in?" He asked. Kokichi nodded and held Kiibo's arm tightly as they walked in. He was a bit taken aback by Kokichi holding his arm so tightly. "Kokichi? Is everything alright?" He asked. Kokichi looked up at him, his eyes holding the paranoia he was feeling. "Y-yeah, I'm f-fine, Kiibo." He replied, lying.

Kiibo could tell that he was lying, but decided not to pry any further for now. After all, class was going to start in a few minutes. The two entered the classroom, and Kokichi noticed that Shuichi was busy talking to Kaede. Lost in thought, Kokichi sat down, forgetting that he was still holding Kiibo's arm. "Ah... Kokichi. Could you let go?" He asked, hunched over awkwardly. Kokichi blushed and quickly let go. "S-sorry!" He apologized. "It's fine." Kiibo said, and went over to his seat, which was behind Kokichi two desks and to the right.

By now, Shuichi had noticed Kokichi had arrived. "Kaede, I'll talk to you later about how tasteless you are in character. Class is about to start." He stated, then headed to his seat before Kaede could respond. Shuichi stared at Kokichi, his face red. All the classmates around him were used to him fixating on something and making faces like that, so nobody said anything.

The teacher walked through the door, greeted them, and started the lesson. Kiibo was listening, staring down the teacher, making her a bit uncomfortable. Kokichi was halfheartedly paying attention. Shuichi didn't care what she had to say, or that she had noticed his intent stare at Kokichi.

After class had ended, Kokichi and Kiibo were walking down the hall to their next class. Kokichi was holding on tightly to Kiibo's arm again, and Kiibo decided that it was time to figure out what had Kokichi so paranoid today.

"Are you sure nothings wrong? You're clinging to my arm like your life depends on it." He asked. "S-sorry... I'm just... f-freaked out a bit...." Kokichi said.

Shuichi was listening in as best he could on the conversation, using the crowded hallways to hide himself. He wanted to know what lies Kiibo was spouting about him to Kokichi.

"Ah. Was Shuichi staring at you again this morning?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. Kokichi nodded. "Hmm. Well-"

"Hi Kokichi!" Shuichi greeted, cutting Kiibo off. He gave a side glance at Kiibo. "And... you." Kokichi looked a bit uncomfortable, and was holding Kiibo's arm even tighter. "Anyways! Kokichi, I was wondering if you'd eat lunch with me today? After all, you must be exhausted from being forced to hang out with Kiibo all day." Shuichi said. Kiibo frowned. "He's not being for-" Shuichi inturrupted him again. "So! Whaddya say?" He asked, getting into Kokichi's face.

"U-uhm... I g-guess you can eat l-lunch with us...." Kokichi stammered. "Oh, come on- wait. Really?!" Shuichi exclaimed. He had expected that he would have to pressure Kokichi into it, but that was incredibly easy. Maybe at some point, he'd be able to cut off Kiibo from the group and have it just him and Kokichi, since Rantaro was always too busy to hang out at lunch with Kokichi.

"Wait, Kokichi, I thought we were just talking about how freaked out you were by Shuichi stalking you?" Kiibo asked. Shuichi dropped his smile and glared at Kiibo. "U-uhm... b-bye Shuichi." Kokichi pulled Kiibo away.

"Kiibo, I w-was acting. I think... a-anyways, please don't s-say things like that." Kokichi pleaded. "Oh. Ok." Kiibo said. Kokichi sighed. "L-lets get to our next c-class...."

Shuichi was listening in on the conversation, without Kiibo and Kokichi's knowledge. He smiled to himself. Kiibo wasn't going to get rid of him that easily.

《_________End of Chapter 2 ________》

Words: 855

[Thanks for reading. Shuichi be planning lmao
I released this chapter early, since I'm gonna be gone all weekend.
Make sure to vote if you liked this chapter! I changed a lot for that ending, hopefully it was good enough. Don't really have much to say... bye.]

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