Chapter 25: Friendship, Friendship, Frien-

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It was morning. Kiibo and Kokichi had passed out on the couch together. Kokichi woke up, and looked up at Kiibo. He got off of him, and yawned. He then tried to wake Kiibo up by poking his cheek. "Kiibo?"

Kiibo felt something touch his cheek, and woke up. "Eh-?"

"G-Good morning, Kiibo." Kokichi greeted. "Morning, Kokichi." Kiibo unplugged himself from his portable charger. "S-So, are you wanting to c-come over t-to Maki's house?" He asked. "Sure. But I don't know where her house is, so you'll have to lead the way." Kokichi nodded. "L-let's go." Kokichi got off the couch, and headed towards the door. Kiibo got up as well, and put his hat on. The two headed off towards Maki's house.

Kiibo quietly followed Kokichi, deep in thought. "Hm... I'll hang out at Maki's house for a little bit, but then I'm going to go home. Now that Kokichi's back, I've been feeling off. I need to figure out what's wrong with me."

Soon enough, they arrived at Maki's house. Kokichi was happy that he was going to be able to hang out with his two friends. He hadn't been able to in ages. He gently knocked on Maki's door. Maki swung the door open. "Hi guys!" She greeted. "Hi, Maki." Kiibo said. "H-hi." Kokichi said. "Come on in! I made brownies!" Maki said cheerfully, opening the door wider so that they could come in. Kokichi walked in, and could already smell the brownies. Kiibo followed, and sat at Maki's table as she and Kokichi grabbed their own brownies.

Kokichi ate his brownie, it crumbling in his mouth. "Mm...! Maki, th-this is really g-good!" Kokichi exclaimed. Maki chuckled. "I'm glad you like them." She said. Maki then remembered that Kiibo was a robot, and couldn't eat. "Oh! Kiibo, I completely forgot... I'm sorry." She apologized. "It's fine." Kiibo said. He couldn't really blame her. She had only learned that he was a robot awhile ago, and that fact was a lot to take in. Kiibo couldn't help but feel a little left out, though. "M-Maki, don't feel t-too bad. K-Kiibo told me before that h-he doesn't really c-care about f-food." Kokichi said. "Oh... well, let's do something we all can do! I was thinking, we should play a board game!" Maki suggested.

"What game would we play?" Kiibo asked. "Monopoly." Maki replied. "I'm n-not very good at board games... you t-two can play. I'm g-going to hang out s-somewhere by myself." Kokichi said. "Huh?" Maki cocked her head to the side. "Is something wrong?" Kiibo asked. Kokichi shook his head. "N-no, I'm fine. You t-two can go enjoy the game." Before Kiibo or Maki could reply, Kokichi left the room.

"...Alright. That was kinda weird." Maki said. "Yeah...." Kiibo agreed. "Should we still play...?" Maki asked. "Hm... Kokichi probably just needs a bit of space. He was kidnapped, after all. I think it'd be ok." Kiibo said. "I was planning on leaving soon... but now I'm curious about Kokichi. I think I'll stay a bit longer." Kiibo thought. "Ok then, let's play!"

Kokichi layed on the couch. He was tired. He closed his eyes. He didn't mean to make Kiibo and Maki worry. Kokichi eventually fell asleep, thanks to Maki keeping her house warm and cozy.

"I wonder what Kokichi is doing." Maki said. "I could check, if you want." Kiibo replied, already getting up. "Huh? Oh, you don't have to do that... but if you would...." Maki's voice trailed off. Kiibo nodded, and started to look around. He found Kokichi sleeping peacefully on the couch. Kiibo smiled slightly. Whenever Kokichi was awake, his face was full of worry and fear. But, when he was asleep, he seemed calm. Kiibo realized that watching Kokichi sleep while describing him in his head was a very weird thing to do, so he quickly left the room.

"So? What's he up to?" Maki asked. "He's asleep on the couch. I guess he was just tired." Kiibo said, sitting back down in his seat. "Aw, ok."

Kiibo rolled the dice. He moved his pawn a couple of times, and bought the property he landed on. "So, Maki...." Kiibo handed the dice to her. "What's up?" She asked. "Well, later today, I'm going to have to go home. My dad needs my help with something." Kiibo lied. "Oh, ok. How much time until you have to go?" She asked. "Hm, I can go after this game." Kiibo said. "Alright." Maki replied.

"I can't tell her about my problem. I mean, we're not even that close anyways." Kiibo thought. They continued to play, with Kiibo swiftly taking all of Maki's money. Eventually, Kiibo won, and he stood up. "It's time for me to head home. I'll see you tomorrow, ok?" Kiibo said. "Oh! Wait! Could you wake Kokichi up for me?" Maki asked. "Sure."

Kiibo headed into the living room once more to wake Kokichi up. He gently shook Kokichi. "Ngh... Kiibo?" Kokichi mumbled groggily. "W-what's... up...?" Kokichi asked. "I'm going go be leaving, and wanted to know if you were ready to go." Kiibo asked. Kokichi nodded, and kicked off the blanket. Kiibo led the way to the door. "Bye, Maki." Kiibo said, continuing to the door. "See ya!" Maki smiled. Kokichi waved goodbye to her.

The two walked together for awhile, before stopping to head to their own houses. "B-Bye, Kiibo!" Kokichi smiled. Kiibo, however, had already headed off. "Oh...." Kokichi stood there for a moment, watching Kiibo walk off. After a moment, Kokichi headed off to his own house.

Kiibo walked home, going faster than usual. "I need to ask Professor Idabashi about what's going on with me...."

《________End of Chapter 25________》

Words 969

[Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed, please vote if you did. Kiibo's finally figuring out he likes Kokichi... my children- ]

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