Chapter 24: A Nice Weekend Full Of Sexual Tension

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Kokichi woke up, yawning. He then realized that him and Kiibo were wrapped in each other's arms. Kokichi's face turned scarlet.

He had only ever seen Kiibo charge once before, and he didn't look long. But now...

Kiibo's eyes were closed, and he looked as though he was sleeping. He wasn't breathing, though, so maybe he looked more like he was dead. Kokichi noticed the portable charger sticking out. "Wow... technology is... kind of amazing."

Kokichi realized that what he was doing would probably be considered creepy, so he decided to turn on the TV. He reached over to the coffee table, and turned it on. Nothing on it interested him, so he just switched it to the news. He layed his head down on Kiibo's chest. It was warm, the way computers are when you use them for awhile.

The news was talking about something boring, like they usually do. Something about a celebrity feud.

Kiibo finished charging, and opened his eyes. He saw Kokichi resting his head on his chest, and pink tinted his cheeks. Kokichi noticed, as Kiibo made a weird sound whenever he started up. "Oh! G-Good morning, Kiibo." Kokichi greeted, sitting up. That position was even worse, as he was now sitting on top of him. "Morning..." Kiibo grabbed his hat and placed it in a way that would hide his blushing cheeks. "Stop it. Stop being weird. Why is my face heating up again? This doesn't make sense." Kiibo scolded himself. "So... what are you wanting to do today?" Kiibo asked, sitting up.

"We c-could hang out... s-since we d-don't have school today." Kokichi said. "Sure. Are you wanting to stay here, or go somewhere?" Kiibo asked. "W-well... I know a n-nice cafe...." Kokichi suggested. "Sounds fun." Kiibo answered. Kokichi smiled and grabbed his arm. "W-well, then let's go!" Kokichi said, and pulled him towards the door. As they walked, Kokichi eventually let go of Kiibo's arm. Kiibo had never been to a cafe before, so he let Kokichi lead the way.

They arrived soon enough. Kiibo looked around. The cafe was cozy, and was full of people. "This place is popular, huh?" Kiibo asked. Kokichi nodded, as a waitress came over to them. "Hello! What can I do for you today?" She asked cheerfully. "U-uhm... I w-was w-wondering if-"

"Could we get a table for two, please?" Kiibo asked, interrupting Kokichi. "Sure!" The waitress lead the way to a table. As Kokichi and Kiibo sat down, she placed two menus on the table. "I'll be back in a moment to take your order." She said, and walked off. "K-Kiibo? I w-was going t-to ask her...." Kokichi said. "You were stuttering more than usual, so I assumed you were nervous. I wanted to ask her quickly and get it over with. Did I upset you?" Kiibo asked, handing one of menus to Kokichi. "O-oh. That makes sense." Kokichi said, taking the menu.

Kokichi looked over the menu, deciding what he wanted. He settled on some cheesecake and tea. He set the menu down and noticed Kiibo was looking off at other tables. Kokichi realized that he had forgotten that Kiibo couldn't eat. "O-oh! K-Kiibo, I forgot that you don't e-eat or drink anything... this w-was a bad idea...." Kokichi said, looking down. "No, I like this place. Besides... I'm not exactly interested in food, anyways. It looks kinda gross to me." Kiibo said, hoping that he sounded reassuring.

The waitress returned. "Alright! Now, what can I get you two? There's a couples special." She said. "We're not a couple." Kiibo said. "Oh! My apologies. Anyways, what would you two like?" She asked. "I-I would l-like some lemon ginger t-tea and a slice of cheesecake, p-please." The waitress wrote that down and turned to Kiibo. "And you?" She asked. "I'll pass. Thank you." Kiibo said. "Ah, alrighty then. I'll be right back!" She picked up the menus and headed off.

"So, what are we going to do after this?" Kiibo asked. "W-well, we could just go b-back to my house." Kokichi said. "I'm fine with doing that... but what would we do at your house?" Kiibo asked. "I'm n-not sure."

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