Chapter 23: Kokichi's Return

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It had been about a week since Kokichi had been found. Maki and Kiibo had been calling him everyday, glad that their friend was back. Kokichi had gotten a week off to rest, after all, being kidnapped was tiring. But today, he was going to be going back to school. Tomorrow was a holiday, so he didn't have to go then or the next day, but Kokichi was still excited.

Kokichi got ready, excited to see his friends again. Shuichi was locked up, for now at least. Shuichi's father was a lawyer, so he got off easy. But now wasn't the time to think about Shuichi.

Kokichi arrived at school, soon enough, and waited for Maki and Kiibo to get there. Maki arrived before Kiibo, and gave Kokichi a huge hug. "Kokichi! I knew Shuichi had done something! Are you alright?" She asked, concern written all over her face. Kokichi nodded. "I'm sorry I m-made you worry about m-me so much." Kokichi apologized. "Nonsense! You were kidnapped, of course I was worried!"

Kiibo arrived as well, since he had been going faster than usual. He was excited. He saw Maki and Kokichi talking. "Kokichi." He called, raising his arm as a wave. Kokichi heard his name, and turned to see Kiibo. "Kiibo!" He exclaimed. He rushed to give Kiibo a hug. Kiibo's face warmed a bit, and he patted Kokichi's head. "Are you alright?" Kiibo asked. "Mhm." Kokichi answered. "I'm glad. However... we should probably head to class." Kiibo said. Kokichi released him. "Y-Yeah, we should."

The three of them headed to school. The day wasn't very interesting, so we'll skip to the end of the day.

Kokichi had waved goodbye to Maki, and started heading back home. "Wait!" He turned, and saw Kiibo running up to him. "Huh? W-what's up?" Kokichi asked. "I was wondering if you wanted to have a sleepover. As a celebration of your return." Kiibo said. "A-a sleepover?" Kiibo nodded. "Besides, the last time we had a sleepover, we only slept. According to some of my books, you're supposed to watch movies, among other activities, at sleepovers." Kiibo said. "Hm... s-sure." Kokichi smiled. "L-Let's go!" Kokichi grabbed Kiibo's arm and started to lead him to his house. Kiibo felt his face get a little warm, and he pulled his hat down to hide it. Kokichi didn't notice.

They eventually reached Kokichi's house. Kokichi held the door open for Kiibo. "M-My parents are g-going to be out until Monday, s-so you can s-stay over, if you want." Kokichi said. Kiibo entered. "Are they often gone?" Kiibo asked. Kokichi nodded and shut the door behind him. "So, what are we going to do?" Kiibo asked. "Um, w-we could watch a movie, if you want." Kokichi suggested. "Sure. What kind? I don't have a preference." Kiibo said. "There was a n-new movie that came out the other day... its h-horror." Kokichi said. "I think that sounds enjoyable." Kiibo said, and sat on the couch. Kokichi went to go turn on the movie.

For Kokichi, the movie was quite frightening, and getting scared over and over was exhausting. About halfway through the movie, Kokichi passed out.

For Kiibo, the low quality effects and ham acting made the movie more humorous than scary. He looked over and saw Kokichi sleeping. He was snoring, and looked peaceful. "Cute. Wait! It's weird to call a friend cute! I shouldn't do that." Kiibo looked away. "I do wonder what he's dreaming of." Kiibo turned his attention back to the movie.

When the credits rolled, he looked over at Kokichi once more. Now, he seemed distraught. "Maybe he's cold?" Kiibo saw a blanket that was on top of a chair in the living room, and got up to grab it.

Kokichi heard something moving around, and woke up to Kiibo placing a blanket on him. "K-Kiibo...?" Kiibo seemed a bit embarrassed. "I didn't intend to wake you up. Sorry." He apologized. "I-It's alright." Kokichi said. "You seemed distressed, and I assumed you were cold. Did the blanket help?" Kiibo asked. Kokichi sat up as Kiibo sat next to him. "Th-the blanket is k-keeping me warm... but I was h-having a nightmare... th-that's part of why I woke up...." Kokichi explained. "A nightmare? If you don't mind me asking, can you tell me what it was about?" Kiibo asked. Since Kiibo was a robot, he didn't have the luxury of dreaming. "Y-yeah... it was about Shuichi... and h-him kidnapping m-me again... and hurting me...." Kokichi erupted into sobs, and hid his face in Kiibo's chest. Kiibo felt his face get warm again. He wasn't really sure on how to help comfort Kokichi, but wanted to try anyways.

"Don't worry, Kokichi. That won't happen again." He said. "H-how can you b-be sure?" Kokichi sobbed. Kiibo wrapped his arms around Kokichi's back and head, and pet his hair. "I... I won't let him. I'll help keep you safe, alright?" Kokichi looked up at him, surprised by his words. He gave Kiibo a smile, and wrapped his own arms around Kiibo's back. He quickly fell asleep.

Kiibo blushed once more when he realized that Kokichi was snuggling him. "I'm... sure friends do things like this all the time. I'm not sure why I'm acting so weird...." Kiibo reached into his pocket and pulled out a portable charger. He plugged himself in, and layed down with Kokichi on top of him. Usually, he'd get Kokichi off of him and sleep against the wall, but....
Being like this made Kiibo feel warm. Not really, his body wasn't heating up, save for his face, but that's the best way he could describe the feeling. He wished he knew more about these types of things.

Looking at Kokichi's sleeping face one more time, Kiibo smiled slightly, and powered down.

《________End of Chapter 23________》

Words: 983

[I'm glad I could return to doing a nice fluffy chapter! Pooichi won't be in the story again, so it's time for big gae Kiibouma stuff. Y'know, what this book is SUPPOSED to be of... anyways, I hope you enjoyed. Vote if you did! And thanks for reading :)]

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