Chapter 9: A Threat

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[This top image is my reaction to my atrocious writing]

Kiibo didn't understand. Why would Shuichi want to hang out with him? According to Shuichi's previous attitude towards him, it was obvious Shuichi disliked him. "I guess it wouldn't hurt to hang out with him this once. Maybe we're wrong about him, maybe he's just a chill guy under his Danganronpa obsessed outside."

"... sure. But I'm not really hungry, you don't have to get me anything." Kiibo accepted. Shuichi gave him a smile, although Kiibo noticed that his eyes were blank, one of the telltale signs of a fake smile. "Cool. I'll show you a good place here." Shuichi walked off, not looking behind him to see if Kiibo was following. Luckily, all the bags he was carrying bogged him down, so Kiibo didn't have to go very fast to keep up with him.

Eventually, they made it to the food court. Shuichi sat his bags down at a table. "Make sure nobody steals them, ok?" He asked. Kiibo obliged, wondering who would be petty enough to steal dolls and posters. While Shuichi was ordering, Kiibo looked around. There were a lot of people.

Shuichi came back with his food, and sat down. There was a long moment of awkward silence as Shuichi ate his food. Kiibo decided to break the silence. "So... what'd you want to talk about...?" He asked. Shuichi took one last sip of his drink, and decided to cut to the chase. "Kiibo. How would you describe your relationship with Kokichi?" He asked. Kiibo was a bit taken aback by the question. "Deja Vu?"

"Um... we're friends. Why do you think he invited me...?" He asked. "I know you're friends. I'm wondering... is it intimate?" He asked, keeping his face expressionless. "Intimate...? Well, I mean... there was that time he ki- wait a minute. I don't have to tell you anything." Kiibo said, realizing that Shuichi's question was a bit personal. Shuichi grinned. "Aw, of course you don't have to answer. I'd never force you to. However... I'm afraid if you don't answer all of my questions... I'll have to let all our classmates know about your little secret." Shuichi said.

Kiibo's eyes widened. "He doesn't mean...?" He thought. He gathered himself up and wore a neutral expression. "What secret." He asked, sounding annoyed. Shuichi smiled wider. "I'm sure you know what I'm talking about, Tin Man."

"Ah. So he knows. That's not good... my creators would be very disappointed... more importantly, how does he know?" Kiibo wondered. "How do you know about that?" Kiibo asked. Shuichi let out a laugh. "It's really easy to get whatever information you want, if you know what you're doing. Now, back to what you were saying before. You and Kokichi did what?" He questioned, looking stern. Kiibo glared at him. Perhaps it would be beneficial to follow his game.

"... we kissed once. But I'm not sure what it meant. We're not lovers, and he wasn't apologizing for anything, like when he kissed you." Kiibo stated.

Shuichi felt like a boiling pot of water. He was ready to spill at any moment. However, he needed to keep himself controlled. "You two haven't done anything else?" He asked, hoping the answer was no. "Other than hugging, no." Kiibo said. Shuichi grinned again. "Great! Now, I've got some advice for you, Tin Man." Shuichi said, enjoying the new nickname he had come up with.

Kiibo cringed at the name. It was even worse than Kiiboy. "...what's your advice...." He asked. "Leave Kokichi alone. He's mine, alright? We were pals, best friends, all before you showed up. Suddenly he's too good for me, and starts hanging out with you and Rantaro... luckily for Rantaro, he isn't really a problem, but you? I want you to leave him alone. Don't talk to him. Or, I'll leak your secret and destroy you. How does that sound?"

It was amazing how Shuichi could wear such a sweet smile as he threatened people. Kiibo was stuck. Not hanging out with Kokichi would make him sad, but being destroyed would make him sad as well....

"So...~ What's your answer?" Shuichi asked. Kiibo thought, trying to decide the best course of action.

"Uh... I don't...." Kiibo tried to stall for time, so that he could think things over. "C'mon, I don't have all day!" Shuichi snapped. "I... can I wait to make a decision until Monday?" Kiibo asked. Shuichi rolled his eyes. "Ugh. Of course a dumb peice of scrap would need time to 'think'. Whatever! I guess you can wait until Monday. But I think we both know what you're gonna do." Shuichi got up, and walked off, leaving Kiibo to sit there.

"What... should I do...?


Words: 787

[Ruh Roh, Raggy. Now we're getting into some drama...
Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Please vote if you could. Btw, as I mentioned in the note chapter, this is based off of a rp. I'd love if more people came and role played with me! I created a roleplay book, so check that out if you're interested :)]

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