Cha 1.) Grape Fanta

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I'm Himiko Yumeno.
I like.. Magic.
I don't necessarily believe that I have magical powers but instead I believe we all do!
The energy we put out into the world.
If it's positive usually a positive outcome occurs and if negative then negative.
Today I'm making a wish.
A positive wish.
I wish for someone's love..
Other than my mother's of course.
As I made the wish I was walking to my dorm on a rainy evening when I turned my head to a male sitting close enough to the wall making him half dry and half wet, he was waving to me.

As I made the wish I was walking to my dorm on a rainy evening when I turned my head to a male sitting close enough to the wall making him half dry and half wet, he was waving to me

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Have my prayers been answered?
I walked over to him waving back.
"Hello, I-I'm Himiko! You must be new."
I stood next to him peering down.
He was one of those short kids that stood out, mostly because of his dyed hair. It was a shade of purple. I knew he was new instantly because I had never seen anyone with a full head of purple before wondering around the school.

"I'm Kokichi and yes I'm new, but I guess not new enough to of heard about the witch."
He said giggling.
"What do you mean by that?"
I asked.
"I mean that people think you've cursed them. Oh, wait don't tell me, let me guess! Did that girl you cursed with the flu stick gum in your hair.. What was her name again? Right Miu!"
He asked.

"Why would you say that? And I didn't curse her, it's called karma for being a meanie."
I said smirking at my comeback.
"Oh, because your hair seems.. lopsided."
He said tilting his head.
"It's a hair style you purple headed bimbo!"
I yelled putting my hand on my hip.

"Alright alright, so sassy! Anyways, can you curse me?"
He asked rather excited.
"Uhm.. It doesn't work lik-
"Turn me into a bunny, no wait even better turn me into Grape Fanta!"
He said licking his lips.
"I... Can't do that.."
I said annoyed.

"Ah, so you aren't a witch?"
He said confused.
I just stared at him and then turned walking away.
"No, I am not a witch. Anyways welcome to our school.. Dumby."

I then walked into my dorm and slammed the door.
My roommate who was inside fell off her bed.
She yelled.
"Oh, T-Tenko! I'm so sorry, need help?"
I asked putting my hand out.
"It's alright, I can get up by myself! Anyways what do you wanna get for dinner, I'm starving!"
She said smiling.

Tenko is one of my closest friends, I even believed I liked her once but it turns out that I'm just really comfortable around her

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Tenko is one of my closest friends, I even believed I liked her once but it turns out that I'm just really comfortable around her.
"Uhm.. Anything that's appealing to you."
I said falling flat onto my bed.
"You alright, you seem exhausted Himiko."
Tenko asked concerned.
"This guy outside near our dorm sucked the energy out of me with his stupidity!"
I yelled.
I heard Tenko get up serious.
"Want me to beat up this degenerate male for you, what's his name!?"
She said showing off her aikido moves.
I started to laugh turning to her.
"There's no need."
I said grabbing my nightwear and heading for the bathroom.

After I changed we ordered pizza and watched a musical.
"Goodnight Himiko!"
I heard Tenko shout.
"Goodnight Tenko.."
I then squirmed around until i was comfortable falling asleep.

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