Cha 12.) Bad Weather

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After a while of walking around and going onto rides with Tenko, Rantaro, Shuichi, and Kaede I sat down on a bench feeling nauseous.
"Are you alright Himiko?"
Tenko asked me concerned.
"The rides just made me feel sick, I'll stay here, you go have fun okay?"
I said.
She nodded and waved walking to another ride with the group.

After a while of staring at random rides becoming more nauseous I pulled out my phone after it buzzed

I'm sorry I left you alone.

Why did you?

I wanted to but couldn't.

Alright, well, hope you're having a good break.

Same to you.

I sighed putting my phone away.
I heard a clink but ignored it.
I got up and started to walk around a little bit.
I soon got bored but didn't want to take Tenko away from the new friends we had made.
I pulled out my phone once again texting her to stay and that I'd walk back to our dorms as our school was only a few blocks from the carnival.

It had stopped snowing for a while which was rare during winter time, but this only came with rain soon after.
I started running to the school all wet and finally to the dorm area.
I finally had gotten to my dorm when I looked in my pockets for my dorm key..
But it wasn't there!?

I thought for a moment in the rain, that must've been my key that made the loud clink earlier!
I whined to myself and sat on a bench not even trying to find shelter, I was just tired at this point.
I couldn't help but feel jealous and I knew this was wrong of me.
I didn't like that Tenko and the others got along so well, I had nothing in common with any of them but she was able to talk to them nonstop.

I started to cry on the bench to myself.
Why did I have to be so stupid, now I'm wet and cold and-
Suddenly the rain stopped pounding on my body.

I looked up and-"Himiko?"It was Kokichi, right, his family probably wouldn't want an annoying brat over for any Christmas

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I looked up and-
It was Kokichi, right, his family probably wouldn't want an annoying brat over for any Christmas.. So he'd stay at the dorm build-
No, that was mean.. No one would want a daughter who believes in auras and magic.
He waved his hand in front of me almost dropping the umbrella, he then fell back slipping on the rain that now soaked the ground.

I got up and held a hand out for him.
He grabbed it.
"What happened?"
He asked.
"Why do you want to know..?"
I mumbled irritated with myself.
"I thought we had a good night on the dance, are you mad at me?"
He asked.
I rolled my eyes.
"No, not at you."
I mumbled.

He then took me by the hand.
"Why aren't you in your apartment?"
He asked.
"I lost my key.."
I said embarrassed.
"Hah, of course!"
He laughed at me.
"Just leave me alone if you're gonna laugh at me you meany!"
I yelled starting to walk away.
Then he pulled me back as he had at the dance.

"You're going to catch a cold if you stay out here."
He said looking into my eyes with a straight face.
I nodded and he led me to his dorm.
He opened the door and I walked in taking off my jacket and shoes.
He tossed a towel onto my head with a smirk.

He tossed a towel onto my head with a smirk

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I mumbled.
He giggled.
I tilted my head.
He gave me a purple shirt from his dresser along with baggy pants.

"You can take a shower in there."
He pointed to his bathroom.
I nodded.
I took his clothes into the bathroom.
I never thought if I were stuck in the rain that I'd be let in by Kokichi.
I sighed to myself still embarrassed.
At least I'm no cold anymore.

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