Cha 22.) That Kind Of Special

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As soon as I got home last night I was bumbarded with questions.
I guess Tenko had heard about the fight.
I shouldn't have left her worried but I felt as if I had no time.

I told Tenko what happened.
I instantly could see that she felt horrible.
"I should've been with you.."
That's the only thing she said.
I told her that she wasn't responsible for me though I knew she'd never stop blaming herself for the situations I got myself into.

      The day after our first kiss Kokichi stayed in his dorm, I told him it wouldn't be good if he went to school.
He might over work himself while he's already mentally and physically injured.
He disagreed but stayed for my sake.

The day was going swell, Miu was expelled from the school.
Kaito and I started to talk a bit and we were officially friends.
Angie and Tenko have been getting along today and I felt a weight that was once on my shoulders being lifted off.

By the end of the day I went up to the roof top take in the view.
I was also a bit hot so I needed to be cooled down by the breeze up there.
Somehow Kokichi always knew where to find me.

"Hey there Himiko!"
He yelled scaring me half to death.
"Kokichi? I told you to rest!"
I took off my hat so the wind wouldn't blow it away.
"But I wanted to see my girlfriend!"
He said taunting me.

"But I wanted to see my girlfriend!"He said taunting me

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"Kokichi.. Shhhh.. Somone might hear you.."
I mumbled.
"Awww, am I an embarrassment to you, you don't want anyone to know that I'm your boyfriend!?"
Kokichi yelled on the roof at the students who were leaving school.
I sighed with embarrassment but soon embraced it.

This is how Kokichi is.
I went up behind him as he was yelling at one of the kids who told him to shut up and hugged him.
I felt him flinch and turn around.
He then hugged me back.
I felt him smile into my shirt and we stayed there for a minute.

Then I pulled away.
"Today after school me, Kaito, Maki, Tenko, Angie, Kaede, Rantaro, and Shuichi are hanging out. Wanna come?"
I asked him.
"That's a lot of people.."
He mumbled.
"I know, though, it'll be good to put yourself out there. Make more friends."
I said smiling.

"But I.. I only need you."
He said seemingly embarrassed.
I smirked.
"Now who's the embarrassed one, ey?"
I said elbowing him softly.
"I-I'm not embarrassed it's just that more friends mean more work, fights, more things to be scared about losing!"
He yelled, he seemed serious.

"You think so negatively, lose? I dou-
"It's happened once."
He mumbled.
I think he saw my worried expression and quickly painted over what he had just brought up.
"That was back in my old school. It doesn't matter."
He said.

"Kokichi, if we're gonna be.. Together I wanna know more about your past so I can help you and so I can understand you more."
I said.
He sighed.
"I'll tell you later, let's go hang out with your friends."
He said smiling.
I sighed knowing he wasn't truly smiling, or that he wasn't really excited to hang out with them.

He was covering up his feelings again.
My new wish is to be able to help Kokichi open up to me as much as possible.
Me and Kokichi started walking down the stairs as I made the wish when we saw the janitor spraying one of the lockers.
It was the same one Miu was writing on the other day.
I noticed Kokichi's expression changed.
"Kokichi, are you alright?"
I asked.

"That's my locker."
He mumbled.
"I need something from it."
He seemed hurt, I had forgotten what Miu had written so I took a closer look.
'Kill yourself.'
Right, that's what made me angry the other day..
I turned back to Kokichi.
I took him by his hand outside of the school.
"Wh-What are you doing."
He asked.

"Whatever you need I'll just give you one of mine, or if it's an assignment I'll make a copy. Just.."
I paused and stopped walking, I looked to him.
"Don't listen to what Miu has to say okay?"
I said.
He looked me in my eyes and nodded.
Though, soon after his eyes drifted away.
"I love you."
I said.
His eyes then darted back to me, he smiled a bit.

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