Cha 21.) I Love You

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I was woken up from my sleep by a sudden movement.
Kokichi had jolted up from the bed.
I backed up looking at him with worry rubbing my eyes.
He mumbled tilting his head.
"Hey.. Are you feeling okay?"
I asked.
"I feel fine."
He said.

We stayed awkwardly quiet for a moment.
"Thank you.. For trying to stop Miu."
He spoke sincerely.
"Thank you for taking the punch- wait no, I didn't want that to happen, it's just it was nice of you in the moment.. I'm sorry I'm rambling.."
I mumbled getting quieter and quieter.
"No, it's fine. I like hearing your voice."
He said.

He seemed out of it, he was actually just speaking his mind.
He wasn't thinking his words through before saying them and he didn't care, neither did I.
I wanted to hear his true thoughts about me.
I wanted to tell him that I felt the same way.

"Hey, Kokichi? Want me to show you what true magic looks like?"
I asked as my magic would be the only thing to keep us talking to each other.
He mumbled.
I hid my bag behind my back and pulled out confetti shooting it towards Kokichi.

He smiled at the sight, this was one of the first times my magic actually made someone smile like he had, other than children from my old neighbourhood

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He smiled at the sight, this was one of the first times my magic actually made someone smile like he had, other than children from my old neighbourhood.
Right as I was about to tell him the truth his doctor came in the room.

"Oma, you're all set to go. Once you are ready you can sign out."
He said.
"What were his injuries?"
I asked.
"Don't worry, his injuries were minor, only thing was his organs were a bit damaged, when the girl kicked him in the stomach while he was unconscious."
He answered.
"What are the expenses?"
I asked.

He pulled out a paper and I took it and signed it pulling out a couple of tens.
"Himiko, you don't need to-
"It's fine Kokichi."
I said sternly.
He's struggling with money, the least I can do is help.
He then went quiet.
Once the doctor had left Kokichi had thanked me.
"Thank you, I'll pay you bac-
"No, it's okay Kokichi. I'm doing this because your my friend."
I instantly regretted the word I had used.


I saw his face drop after I had spoken.
"Now let's go Kokichi, it's getting late."
I said.
I helped him up and we walked out the door.
I signed us both out and we started to walk home.
It was silent, other than the sound of our shoes clacking onto the concrete sidewalk.
He was behind me and I didn't dare look at his face.
I heard the sound of him dragging his feet.
I wanted to tell him, I wanted to say how sorry I was for how I had treated him.

"Hey Kokichi, what was in that envelope.. I never opened.. It.. Because I didn't know if you really wanted that."
I said.
I heard the shaky voice call for me.
I heard him stop walking so I did the same.
I turned to him.
"I know I'm not the ideal.. Kind of guy.."
He mumbled pausing.

"B-But I really do-I walked over to him

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"B-But I really do-
I walked over to him.
This was it.

I may have always dreamed of a really tall and strong guy with a sweet personality as well as a guy who knew exactly what he wanted but..
Kokichi was different.
I've loved him this whole time without even knowing it, I've longed for someone who would love me for who I am and..
I finally have it.

Without a second thought, without any doubts in my mind I ran over to him and kissed him-

Without a second thought, without any doubts in my mind I ran over to him and kissed him-

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I missed his face from the slight hesitation I had last minute.

I pulled away within' a second and we stared at each other wide eyed.
"Was that.. Was that supposed to be a kiss?"
He asked smirking a bit.
"W-Well yeah!"
I said crossing my arms.
He stayed silent as if surprised.
"Nyeh.. Don't you get it? I love you too you idiot!"
I yelled at the top of my lungs.

He seemed surprised but then came closer to me.
"You're the best thing that ever happened to me."
He whispered.

"He whispered

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"But.. But so many bad things has happened to you ever since you met me!"
I yelled pushing him away.
"But you make me happy, I think you're so cute.. And funny.. And.. Pretty, beautiful.. Wait which sounds better? Pretty, or beautiful... I didn't know what to write in the letter.. Pretty or beaut-
I covered his mouth and without a word I lifted my hand again kissing him.
He kissed back and we closed our eyes deepening the kiss.

Even though this whole time our relationship has been back and forth I do love him

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Even though this whole time our relationship has been back and forth I do love him.
I really do.

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