Cha 24.) Bad Habits

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We walked to the front door, Kokichi knocked on it.
He started humming loudly as if he wanted to be annoying.
I could tell Maki was getting annoyed.
Finally, Kaede opened the door.

"Hey Maki and Kaito! Hi Himiko and.. Kokichi.."
Kaede mumbled looking at him.
I hadn't told them that I was bringing him, I probably should of.
At least he knows a few people here.
"Nehehe! Hey Kaede, I didn't know you were so rich! Must be all that finger playing!"
Kokichi said.
"It's called.. Playing the piano."
When it came to her talent, playing the piano, she got serious I guess.

"Now, come in!"
Kaede said opening the door wider.
We all walked in and I was in awe of how big her house was. She did live with her parents but most of this money probably came from Kaede's piano competitions.
She was basically famous in school.
I guess we're lucky to be here..

Kokichi ran over and ahead of us.
I mumbled but he was already gone.
Suddenly Maki tapped my shoulder.
"Why'd you bring him?"
She asked seemingly irritated.
"Because he needs to make some friends, plus, we're like a thing now."
I added.
She mumbled.

Finally we got to the main area.
All the guests were here.
The first thing that caught my attention was-
"Hey emo boy, where's you hat?"
Kokichi asked.

The first thing that caught my attention was-"Hey emo boy, where's you hat?"Kokichi asked

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"I-I.. I didn't feel like I should wear it.. Today.."
He mumbled.
"Is it because you and piano girl are dating nowwwww? She wants you to open up, how cute!"
Kokichi laughed in Shuichi'a face.

This angered me.
In front of me he was sweeter than this, less annoying.
Why was he doing this again?
"Please stop."
Shuichi mumbled.
"No degenerate male is ruining our night!"
Tenko yelled.
"Oh look, your shirt's backwards Tenko."
Tenko looked at her shirt and noticed that he was lying.
"Why're you lying about something as stupid as that?"
Maki mumbled.
"Himiko.. This degenerate is getting really annoying.."
She gritted her teeth.

"Kokichi, why are you acting like this?"I asked annoyed

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"Kokichi, why are you acting like this?"
I asked annoyed.
"This is just how I am!"
Kokichi added.
"No it's not, you don't act like this when we're alone!"
I yelled.
"Whatever, I didn't want to come to this stupid friend meet up anyway! Everyone here sucks!"
He yelled walking out.

"Kokichi, wai-
"Let him leave.."
Kaito said.
"No no! Atua says that is no good, you should go after him, bring him back!"
Angie exclaimed.
"I'll be.. Right back."
I mumbled.
"Sorry about all of this!"
I then ran out the front door but paused.
I heard.. Crying?
It was coming from the inside of the house.

I walked back inside to my left, it was one of the bathroom's of the mansion.
I opened the door.
I mumbled.
"I'm sorry Himiko, I don't know what's wrong with me. It's a habit. They hate me because of it.. I can't stop, this is just how I am.. I'm a liar, a stupi-
"Calm down.. They don't hate you, you've just got to be yourself. Correct yourself."
I said.
"But.. It's embarrassing, they're going to laugh at me.."
He mumbled.

"I doubt it.. But even so, being called an annoyance and an irritation is better?"
I asked.
He shook his head wiping his tears.
"Alright, then come back out with me you dummy."
I said hugging him.
He mumbled into my shirt.

His tears soaked my shoulder.
I held him tightly.
He seems.. Hurt.
Like people have hurt him before, treated him as if he was a burden.
I'd know what it feels like because of my parents but..
It's different with him.
He told me some stuff about his parents.
I pulled away from the hug and looked into his eyes.

I think it was neglect, maybe?

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