Cha 20.) Tell Me You Love Me

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Maki and I ran towards the yelling.
Miu was kicking Kokichi who was already down.
Within an instant Miu was knocked out by Maki.
"Go get an adult Himiko."
Maki said in a bitter voice.
I didn't want to leave Kokichi.
She said turning around glaring at me.

I nodded and started to run towards a random classroom

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I nodded and started to run towards a random classroom.
I opened the door.
"Sensei! We need help!"
I yelled.
I then ran out leading them towards the hall.

After that I only remember seeing Kokichi on the ground, not moving.
I was so afraid, I had never gotten into a big fight before...
Not like this.
I remember sirens and everything else that comes with it.
I told the police everything Miu has been doing to him, breaking his phone, breaking his second phone, making fun of him.
After the police had questioned us asking us what happened Maki got suspended for a day.
It seemed so unfair to me, she was brought into the situation and she helped but they didn't like that she knocked Miu out.

After we got out of the police station I pulled Maki over.
"I'm sorry I got you involved, I didn't know what to do. Thank you for helping."
I mumbled waiting for her response.

"It's whatever, it's one day anyway

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"It's whatever, it's one day anyway."
She mumbled.
I heard a man's voice call out.
It was a guy from our school, he was running out from his car.
"Maki, thank god! When I heard you got into a fight I flipped!"
He yelled.
He then ran over and hugged Maki which Maki then proceeded to hug him back.

He then ran over and hugged Maki which Maki then proceeded to hug him back

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Once they pulled away they faced me.
"I tried to help this kid.. It wasn't my fight anyway."
Maki mumbled.
"I heard."
The guy stated.
"I'm Kaito Mamota and this here is Maki Harukawa! My gir-
Maki then quickly covered his mouth.
"Ow.. My teeth!"
Kaito covered his mouth in pain.

"Well, I should get going."
Maki stated as Kaito cried to himself.
"W-Wait, before you do.."
I needed to put myself out there more.
"Would you guys like to be friends?"
I asked.
"We would LOVE to!"
Kaito interrupted.
Maki gave up and started walking to the car.
"See you at school!"
Kaito waved at me as he ran to the car.
I waved back with a half smile.

The police station gave me the address to the hospital Kokichi was taken to, it all happened too fast..

The police station gave me the address to the hospital Kokichi was taken to, it all happened too fast

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I couldn't get the images out of my head.
Why didn't I do anything!?
I'm so useless..

I then remembered the envelope.
I didn't want to open it, still.
I took it from my bag, stared at the envelope and then put it back.
I walked to the hospital from the police station.
I knew Tenko was probably calling me right now..
But I needed to be alone, or at least get to see Kokichi.

I finally got to the hospital, I walked in.
"Who are you hear for?"
A lady asked at the front desk.
"Kokichi.. Oma."
I mumbled.
"Friend or family?"
She asked.
I said.
"Your name?"
She asked.

"I'm Himiko Yumeno."
I stated.
"Alright, room 237.
First sign yourself in darlin'."
She said with a bored expression plastered onto her face, she then passed me a book full of paper.
I grabbed it and she handed me a pen, I wrote my name and the date then placed it down.

I then started to speed walk to the room.
I immediately felt the guilt sink in, could I have done more to protect him?
Are his injuries really bad!?
I felt myself tense up.
He protected me..
I felt my eyes water but I breathed in stopping the tears.
I stood in front of his door.
Maybe.. He was just knocked out and so they took him to the hospital instead of the nurse.
Yeah, that's it.

I walked in.
I peered inside.
I walked over to him.

He looked so peaceful like this, so unbothered

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He looked so peaceful like this, so unbothered.
I pulled a chair next to his bed and laid my head onto his chest.
I held onto him never wanting to let go.

I was wrong, so wrong.
He wasn't a curse.
He was the very thing I wished for.
He got me through my hardest times, he was there for me when I was alone.
He protected me, and he loves me.
He truly loves me.
It's not a lie
That I..

I love him back.

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