Cha 16.) Refusing

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I opened the gift Kokichi had given me.
There only laid a box in which I opened.
Then there only laid an envelope.

~Don't Read Until We See Each Other Again~

Kokichi being strange as usual..
I sighed and put it away getting dressed for the night.
"So you're actually meeting up with that guy?"
Tenko asked poking from her bed in her pjs.
"Yup! Tonight's the night!"
I exclaimed.
Tonight's the night..
I had a feeling of who it could be but I shot that thought down immediately.

It was so obvious at this point but still I refused.
I dressed up wanting to meet someone other than I knew who would show up.
"See you later Tenko!"
I yelled.
"Bye Himiko, stay safe!"
Tenko yelled.
I walked out the door in my normal outfit, nothing special.

I felt excited by the thought that it might not actually be him.
I started walking to the restaurant we would be meeting at.
Suddenly my phone buzzed.

Behind one of the trees Himiko.

I looked around each and every tree that surrounded Grilbee until-

I looked around each and every tree that surrounded Grilbee until-

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"Hello little witch!"
He wore a smirk.
Even though I knew it deep down I was still in shock.
Suddenly I felt anger rush over me, he was just playing with my feelings again wasn't he!?
I pushed him into a pile of snow.

"I hate you!"
I screamed.
He seemed confused.
"You're just playing with my feelings again, you don't care for anyone bu-
He got up from the snow.
"You can't say that, you don't know me!"
He yelled.

"Then why would this ever work!?"I screamed, I wiped my eyes as tears had formed from the frustration

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"Then why would this ever work!?"
I screamed, I wiped my eyes as tears had formed from the frustration.
"I don't know how I will... But I will prove to you that this isn't some lie!"
He yelled determined.

We stared at each other in silence.
"Do you still.. Want to go in..? Or.."
He mumbled pointing to the restaurant with his head down.
I mumbled.
How could he be so different on the phone?
I sighed annoyed walking into the restaurant.
I suddenly remembered the envelope as we sat down at a booth.
"Hey Kokichi?"
I mumbled.

He tilted his head.
"What's in that envelope?"
I asked.
He then said something under his breath.
I couldn't even understand a word.
"I couldn't hear you."
I said sternly.
"You didn't read it yet.. Right?"
He asked seemingly embarrassed.
"No, I haven't."
I said leaning over the table.

He seemed uncomfortable with the topic so I changed it.
"You look nice."
I said.
"I look the same as usual."
He mumbled.
Right now he seemed like a kid with an attitude, I'm trying to compliment him.
What's with the attitude?
Does he like me or not?

After a while of waiting a waiter took our orders.
The more I talked to him the more he opened up, he stopped being a prick just as he done that one night when me and Tenko ate dinner with him.
He wasn't so bad if he would just allow himself to be unmasked by whatever was keeping him back.
I sighed and smiled at him.

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