Cha 2.) Mystery Messanger

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I got dressed getting ready for first period.
I heard a loud yawn come from Tenko's bed.
"Nyeh... Tenko, you're gonna be late!"
I shouted to her.
"I'll catch up later, get to class. Don't wait for me Himiko!"
Tenko said smiling grabbing her school clothes.
I opened the door looking down closing my eyes.
Is love too much to ask for instead of a pesky grape head.
I sighed and felt myself bump into someone.
I looked up from the ground to see a girl who looked down upon me.

"Hey miss flat tits, I think you owe me a fuckin' apology bitch!"She yelled

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"Hey miss flat tits, I think you owe me a fuckin' apology bitch!"
She yelled.
"Nyeh..? Oh.. Miu."
I sighed.
I tried getting up but she pushed me right back down.
"Apologize you idiot!"
She screamed.
I could feel my eyes start to water from being overwhelmed.

"You're the only idiot here that I see."
I heard a voice that sounded calm but annoyed, it came from behind me.

"H-Huh!? Oh, you're that new fucking kid, how about go play with yourself and get out of my business!"
Miu yelled in anger.
"I mean.. I would, but it's fun making you angry. See that expression you're making right now, it's giving me pleasure."
He said pointing to her.
"E-Eh!? Fucking cumdumpster!"
She yelled running off.
I watched as he took a seat next to me.

"And we meet again!"He said rather happy

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"And we meet again!"
He said rather happy.
"I guess.."
I said annoyed.
"Hey, your nose is red. Did she actually scare you?"
He laughed at me.
"Shut up you meanie!"
I yelled at him.
"Awe, but I helped you didn't I..? You still don't like me!?"
He made a pouty face.
I mean.. He did help me.
"Fine, you're not all bad.."
I saw his frown turn into a huge smile.
"Nehehe! I knew you liked me!"
He said giggling.
I sighed trying to ignore him.
He then put out his hand for me.
I stared at him for a minute.
"What.. Are you just gonna stare at me or let me help you up?"
He asked confused.
I then grabbed his hand and he helped me up.
"So.. I'm assuming you want to be friends?"
He smiled nodding.
I sighed..
I've most definitely have been cursed.
"See you later, nehehehehehe!"
He laughed running off.
What a weirdo..

It's like he's on and off.
I like him but then he's awfully annoying.

I started to head to first period finally.
I sat down and pulled out my pencil pouch.
Suddenly a buzz came from my bag.
Class hadn't started yet so I hurried to the bathroom and assumed it was Tenko.
I looked at the text and.. It was someone random.

Hello little Witch!

And who are you?

Let's keep that a secret for now, alright?

Okay, well what do you want?

To talk, ya know friend stuff.

We aren't friends. I don't even know who you are, plus I need to get to class..

Alrighty! Text me later!


I then put my phone away.
I started to speed walk to class.
When I got in I sat down and saw Tenko.
I waved smiling and she waved back.
"Hello class, we have a new student. A few of you have already met him as he got the key to his dorm yesterday!"
The teacher announced.
I looked over and Kokichi walked into the room.
He stood in front of the class and smiled tilting his head.
"Hi, I'm Kokichi Oma."
He said staring at me.
"Alright, you can choose between the two empty seats. One near Maki Harukawa, the girl with the long brown hair or sit next to Himiko Yumeno. She's the red head in back."
The teacher said gathering his attendance.
Kokichi looked to Maki who gave him a glare.
Kokichi gave her a cartoonish frown and skipped over to me.
"Seems like nobody wants to get cursed!"
Kokichi whispered in my ear.
I looked out the window to my left and let out a sigh.

"You don't really seem like a nice friend Kokichi. I'm starting to regre-

He said confused.
I turned back to him annoyed.
"Yeah.. You agreed that we were friends, remember..? This morning."
He tilted his head and then he started to act surprised.
"Oh, that was a lie of course!"
He said pointing at me with a huge grin on his face

"Ew, don't give me that face.. And you're a meanie!"
I yelled.
"Well, I AM trying to get cursed.. So.. Come on.. Turn me into Grape Fanta.. I'm waiting Himiko."
He said looking at his nails.

A few minutes passed by of the teacher teaching when suddenly a paper ball came flying across the room and it hit Kokichi in the head.
Miu has thrown it.
Kokichi seemed confused himself and picked up the crumpled paper.
He uncrumpled it and stared at it for a minute.
He then raised his hand.
"May I use the bathroom?"
He seemed serious and left the room in silence.
Miu seemed confused but also nervous.
She seemed guilty of something..
I then raised my hand.
"Can I go to the bathroom?"
The teacher nodded and I walked out of the room looking for Kokichi.
I was too curious to not know what was written on the paper.
I wasn't exactly paying attention and then I.. Felt myself fall back after bumping into someone.
I looked over and saw Kokichi lying on his back on the floor.
I assumed the worst and looked over, I knocked him out?
"H-Hey! Kokichi!"
I yelled nervously.
I started to panic shoving him around until I heard a giggle.
"You really are a clumsy girl!"
He said smiling.
I felt my face turn red.
"Aww, you were worried for little old me, how precious are you Himiko!"
He said smirking.
He got up and rubbed his head.
He started to walk away when I grabbed his hand from the ground.
He looked over and seemed surprised.
"Hey.. Uhm, what, did that note say?"
I asked mumbling.
"Oh.. That's why you came. Well.."
He pulled it out.

"Go fly off the school rooftop cumdumster"

"What the heck!?"
I said shocked.
Why would she be so reckless?
She barley even knew Kokichi yet she was already giving death notes. Miu can be mean but she's never done that to me.
"I know right, not even a good name either! Cumdumpter, like how stupid.."
He said only seeming to be upset with the name she gave him.

I sighed and got up.
"So why did you leave the room."
I asked confused.
I don't wanna believe that he was actually contemplating on doing it.
"Heh.. I wanted her to sweat."
He giggled.
"Of course you did.."
I mumbled.
He giggled and headed to class.
I followed right behind him.

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