Cha 25.) The Way You Are

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Me and Kokichi walked out to the main area once Kokichi washed his face.
Everyone was already in a new conversation.
Once they saw Kokichi and I they stopped and stared annoyed.
"I'm.. I'm sorry for being annoying."
He mumbled rubbing the back of his head.
Everyone seemed surprised.
"It's just that.. I have trouble making friends.. I don't think you all suck."
He said looking up at everyone.
He then looked the other way embarrassed.

I held his hand and he looked towards me.
"I and Atua accept your apology!"
Angie raised her hand waving it.
"I guess.. I accept this degenerate's apology.. He's dating Himiko after all. He can't be all that bad."
Tenko said.
"I forgive you Kokichi."
Shuichi said smiling.
"Same too, at least you can apologise you know!"
Kaito said giving him a thumbs up.

"I have no problem in forgiving you!"
Kaede said clasping her hands together.
"I agree with Kaito, you were able to apologise so I accept your apology."
Rantaro said smiling.
Maki stayed quiet, then everyone turned to her.
"As long as you quit being annoying.. I'm fine with accepting your apology I guess."
She mumbled.
After that everyone went back to talking.
Kokichi then did something that I didn't expect him to do.
He walked over to Maki, I quickly followed nervous.

"Hey, Maki?"
He asked.
"What is it?"
She asked sternly.
"Thanks for.. Helping me and Himiko the other day."
He said with his head down.
"It wasn't a big deal."
She said looking away.
"It was. You got suspended because of me."
Kokichi said sounding guilty.
"It's only one day."
She said harshly.
Kokichi sighed.

Suddenly Tenko and Angie surrounded us.
"So is it true! That you two are in love?"
Tenko asked poking Kokichi and I.
"What's with the poking?"
Kokichi asked covering himself.
"It is to make sure that the two of you are actually here, to make sure that you apologising was something that occurred! To see if you are real!"
Angie said touching her face.
"Nyeh.. Of course we're real.."
I mumbled.

"Atua and I would be happy to be your friend Kokichi!"
Angie exclaimed.
"Oh- Uh, same! I mean yeah, obviously I'd want to be friends with you.. And Atua?"
Kokichi said confused.
Tenko then put her hand out.
"You better not break Himiko's heart! And you have no choice, I forced you to be my friend! Are you okay with this?"
Tenko asked.
"Didn't you just say that you were forcing him?"
I asked.

"Right! Uh, friends now!"
She yelled.
Kokichi nodded laughing nervously.
Suddenly Rantaro came up to me.
"Can we talk, alone?"
He asked.
I nodded and we walked into another room.
"Uh, I never got.. Tenko a Christmas present."
He mumbled.
I tilted my head.
"What should I get her as a late present, I think she's mad at me for not getting her one but I just didn't know what she liked. I know she does aikido.."
He mumbled.

"Hmm... Do you.. Like Tenko?"
I asked suspicious.
"W-What, no, it's not like that, really Himiko. I just think she deserves something meaningful."
He insisted but it was all too obvious.
"Alright, well, she likes plants!"
I said smiling.
"Oh! Thank you so much Himiko."
Rantaro said I'm a calming voice.
I smiled at him, he was the only guy who would probably ever work with her anyway so this was good.

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