Cha 15.) Christmas Day

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I was woken up from my bed by Tenko.
"One more minute.."
I mumbled.
"Come on Himiko, it's Christmas!"
Tenko yelled with excitement.
"Christmas can wait... Wait- Christmas!"
I yelled happily getting up swiftly.
I jumped from my bed and ran over to me and Tenko's small Christmas tree grabbing the present I had gotten for Tenko handing it to her.

She laughed.
"I like the wrapping paper."
She said with a smile pointing to the penguins with poorly drawn witch hats on them.
I giggled embarrassed.
She opened it up.
She pulled out sweatbands as well as a mat so when she'd be practicing Aikido she would have some more supplies to do so.
"Thank you so much Himiko!"
She yelled hugging me.
"Nyeh? It was no big deal.."
I mumbled.

"Now, open yours!"
She yelled.
She tossed it over to me.
I opened the present that had Santa wrapping paper on it.
I opened it to find a bunch of rocks and wands as well as another witch hat.
I smiled holding up the present.
I then set it down and threw my hands up into the air.
"Thank you so much Tenko!"
I yelled dancing around the room.

"It's a pleasure Himiko."
She laughed as I danced around.
Finally, we both stopped when we heard a knock at the door.
I walked over to it and opened it.
We saw Kokichi standing there face down with a poorly wrapped gift, he seemed embarrassed.
"I'm so- Yesterday was my ba- I- So yeah.."
He said as if he had made any sense.
"Are you trying to say that you're sorry to me?"
I asked raising an eyebrow.
"N-No! I would never!"
He whined crossing his arms looking away.
I took the present smiling slightly.
"Thank you."
I said sternly.

He then started to walk away silently, I ran over to the small tree grabbing a tiny bag.
I then ran out running over to Kokichi.
I yelled huffing and puffing in my pjs outside.
He looked down at the gift.
"I know it's not much but it was all I could afford.."
I mumbled.
He took the bag.
"Open it now!"
I insisted.

He seemed confused by this and slowly grabbed what was inside the bag.
It was a flip phone.
"At least now you can text and call people.
I said smiling.
Suddenly I felt a warm embrace over come me.
"Thanks Himiko."
He said with a genuine tone.
I nodded.
"Merry Christmas Kokichi."
I said.
"You too."
He said as we walked to our own dorms.

"So, did the degenerate like the gift?"Tenko asked as soon as walked into the dorm

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"So, did the degenerate like the gift?"
Tenko asked as soon as walked into the dorm.
I nodded.
Tenko said crossing her arms.
Suddenly my phone buzzed.



The restaurant next to the carnival, you know, Grilbees?

Right! What time?

Maybe Seven PM?

Works for me! See you there, and Merry Christmas!

You too.

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