Cha 13.) Family Talk

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After I took a shower he led me to his bedroom and we sat on his bed for a minute silent.
"So why weren't you with Tenko?"
Kokichi asked.
"Let's talk about something else, when's your birthday?"
I asked trying to change the subject.
"I answer your question you answer mine. June 21st."
He said waiting putting his hands on his hips.
He wasn't letting me get out of my shame.

"She made friends and.. I kinda felt left out."
I mumbled.
"I never thought I'd hear something as jealous as that come from you."
Kokichi said turning to me.
"I- It's always just been me and Tenko-
"I mean Tenko has put up with me, the least you can do is put up with her new friends."
Kokichi suggested.

I sighed and nodded.
He had a point.
"Let's get your mind off of this for now, so why aren't you and Tenko with your families?"
He asked.
"We don't get along with them, I can't believe it.. I haven't seen them in a while now.."
I mumbled.
"How about you Kokichi?"
I stared at him, it seems he didn't expect his question to back fire on him like this.
"We just.. I wasn't supposed to happen so they got rid of me as soon as possible. As soon as I turned sixteen they told me to live in a dorm that they'd pay for until I turned eighteen."
He laughed to himself but his face went back to a straight but instead a much colder face as he turned around.
"Kokichi I-
I reached for his shoulder but he swiped my hand away.

"It doesn't matter now because I have you of course!"Kokichi turned around and the cold face he once wore suddenly turned into a wide smile

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"It doesn't matter now because I have you of course!"
Kokichi turned around and the cold face he once wore suddenly turned into a wide smile.
He was like a switch..
I mean, I suppose geminis are like that, so indecisive-
No I shouldn't get into astrology right now.

"Right, and I'll be here for you, always!"
I agreed to something I wasn't ready for but when dealing with Kokichi, would anyone ever be?

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