Cha 14.) Ignoring His Feelings

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After a while of talking to Kokichi I felt my phone buzz.
"I think this might be Tenko, I'll be right back."
I said heading to another room.
Before I went I saw a glimpse of sadness in Kokichi's eyes, I ignored.
I picked up the phone to see Tenko was calling me.
"Hey Tenko!"
I said forcing a smile behind the phone.

"Himiko, why would you leave? What if a degenerate male had snatched you!?"
She yelled over the phone worried.
"I'm sorry Tenko.."
I mumbled.
"It's fine, I'm at the dorm, where are you?"
She asked.
"At Kokichi's, it was raining and I lost my key at the theme park.."
I said embarrassed.

"Ah, alright. That degenerate isn't being weird right?"
She asked.
"Nyeh, Kokichi's always weird."
I said with a sigh.
"When will you be back?"
She asked.
"Probably right now, I mean tomorrow IS Christmas, I've gotta get to bed early!"
I said excited.
"Right, see you in a minute!"
Tenko said.

I ended the call and turned around with a sigh.
Kokichi was standing there at the door opening it.
I felt my eyes widen.
"Oh, Kokichi-
"Next time this weirdo won't let you inside when it's pouring."
Kokichi muttered walking to his room closing the door.
'Is he mad at me..?'
I thought.
I mean he's always calling me weird little names like "little witch" and other dumb stuff.

I felt myself get annoyed, I couldn't just leave him there mad at me, not before the day of Christmas!
I walked towards his door opening it slowly.
"Kokichi, what's the big deal? You're always calling me names. I did the sam-
"The issue is that you're ignoring my feelings! You told me to open up to you and I did, I told you about my parents and how I feel- so why would you be so quick to leave me!? Why wo-

 I did the sam-"The issue is that you're ignoring my feelings! You told me to open up to you and I did, I told you about my parents and how I feel- so why would you be so quick to leave me!? Why wo-

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He was tearing up, he was just happy a moment ago.. Me calling him weird must've been offensive.
"Hey, hey! It's not like I'm gonna leave forever.."
I ran over to him.

"You know.."
He mumbled.
"That was a lie!"
He yelled.
I shot back annoyed.
"I don't actually feel that way, it was a lie!"
He laughed to himself.
He scares me sometimes..
I don't even know if he's all there, was what he said really a lie..?
Or was this "cover up" a lie?

"You know what, whatever Kokichi, merry freakin' Christmas!"
I yelled walking out the door.
"Hey! Wait-
He yelled but I slammed the door before he had the chance to speak.
He's so irritating sometimes!

I walked back to me and Tenko's dorm knocking onto the door.

I felt like crying again and I wasn't sure why.
I felt guilty.
I felt selfish.
I felt like what he said was the truth, that I've been ignoring his feelings..

Tenko opened the door.

Because I have a feeling, that the dance..

"Hey Himiko-

The things he was saying...
It meant more than..

I reached out for her.

what he was letting on

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what he was letting on.

"I'm such a horrible person Tenkooooo!"
I yelled as my voice was muffled into Tenko's shirt.

I'm selfish because I don't want him to feel that way, so I'm ignoring all the subtle things he's been doing.

She held onto me confused but still, she comforted me.

I told him to open up to me..

But I wasn't expecting this.

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