Cha 9.) Winter Fling

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It was the night of the dance.. I was going to meet them, that mystery person.
I felt my heart beating like crazy.
Did I even know this person?
Probably.. But.. I'm not even popular.
There's Miu, Tenko, Kaede, Rantaro, Maki, and.. Kokichi as well as Shuichi.
Though Kokichi would never admit to any feelings he had for anyone.
Tenko is my bestie, and the rest DONT really even talk to me.
I mean there's Miu but there's no way this is her.

As I stared into the mirror of the bathroom me and Tenko shared I watched as Tenko combed my hair.
After that she then moved onto makeup.
"You look so pretty in this get up, all you're missing now is a smile."
She said with glee.

"I would be able to if you would come.."
I mumbled.
"Himiko, you know I can't..
Just go, it's one night. You'll probably meet the girl or guy of your dreams. Whoever's on that phone of yours. But I swear if it's a degenerate male and he breaks your heart he's DEAD!"
She said.
I shrugged my shoulders.

"I'm done! You look so pretty!"
She exclaimed.
I got up and hugged her.
"Thanks for everything!"
I said with a smile.
"It's no problem, really Himiko!"

I then ran out of my dorm and ran to the gym.
That's where the dance would be held.
I felt so nervous..

I entered the gym cupping my hands together.
I decided that I'd walk around for a little while until they spotted me.

After a while of just standing around I decided to go to the outside area.
No one was really outside other than Maki and Kaito and.. Kokichi.
There was a gazebo there and Kokichi stood in it looking up to the sky.

For some reason the vibe I got from him was calming.
I smiled softly and walked over.
"Hey, Kokichi."
I waved to him as he turned around.
His whole face went bright pink and he swung his head back around towards the ground.

"You alright?"
I asked tapping his shoulder.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Just nervous."
He mumbled.
I asked tilting my head.

He then turned around and grabbed me by my hip and shoulder
"Care to dance?"
He asked.
"N-Nyeh!? I mean you've gi-given me no choice.."
I mumbled.

"You look really pretty tonight

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"You look really pretty tonight."
He said with a smile.
"Is this a joke?"
I asked hesitating.

"What do you mean?"
He asked looking into my eyes.
"Look, I've really gotta meet someone, they might already be here-
He yelled for me.

He grabbed my arm and I turned around wide eyed.
"Listen.. I- Uhm.."
He stumbled upon his words.
"What is it Kokichi, I don't have time for your games!"
I yelled.

"But I'm not-
"Just let me go.."
I was fed up with his annoying lies, his annoying yet enticing smirks! Tonight I want no Kokichi ruining it.

He let go of my hand and his head was lowered staring at the ground.
"We can talk later okay.. I've just.. Gotta meet someone tonight, okay?"
I asked.
"Have fun."
He mumbled.
He turned back around and leaned on the railing of the gazebo and looked back up at the sky.

I sighed and ran off.
I went back into the gym walking through the crowd.
Could they have ditched me?
Maybe they got too nervous.
I walked over to the bathroom walking in pulling out my phone.

Where are you?

I waited a few minutes but.. Still.. No response.
I put my phone away with a sigh.
I waited in the bathroom for thirty minutes before coming back out.
I walked over to the dance floor trying to dance but it I just looked as though I was awkwardly walking.
"What in the fuck are you doing?"
I turned to where that voice came from.
I looked at her up and down.
"Like what you see!? I made this outfit myself!"
She announced.
She wore a dress that seemed to be store bought along with a belt that had a robotic arm attached to it.

"What.. Is that for?"
I asked confused.
"It's for punching these perverts where it really hurts! Of course the gorgeous girl genius, being me, would be able to make this and kill it while dancing!"
She yelled in my face.
"Right right.."
I mumbled walking off the dance floor.
I walked back outside and went back to the gazebo.

Looked around, Maki and Kaito were still out here but Kokichi was replaced by Shuichi and Kaede.
I sighed instantly feeling guilty for leaving Kokichi.

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