Cha 26.) I Belong With You

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I walked out of the room with Rantaro looking for Kokichi.
"Hey, Tenko where's Kokichi?"
I asked.
She pointed upstairs.
I sighed, he was just wandering around?
I was hoping he'd make more friends with me gone.
I smiled to myself walking up the stairs.
There on the balcony he was looking up at the night sky as he had done at the dance.

I suddenly felt butterflies arise in my stomach.
I walked over next to him.
"Hey Kokichi."
I said looking over at his face.
He turned over to me and smiled.
"Hey Himiko!"
He said excited.
"I need to tell you something."
He said nervously.
I tilted my head.

"I love you."
Even though I already knew this I felt my face heat up.
"I-I love you too!"
Suddenly music from downstairs started to play.

"I-I love you too!"Suddenly music from downstairs started to play

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"Is dancing with you an option?"
Kokichi asked grabbing my hand.
"I-I.. Only if you want to.."
I mumbled.
"I do."
He said.
I held onto his hand, then Kokichi came closer to me and put his hand on my hip.
Suddenly he swung me around so very gently.

Suddenly he swung me around so very gently

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I never wanted this feeling to end.
I wanted to feel like this all the time.
"I'll never keep anything from you. I want you and only you. No more lies."
He said gazing into my eyes.
I nodded.

Tenko and Angie came up watching us.
After that the rest of them came upstairs as well.
Everyone started partnering up with each other and started to dance as well.
I saw as Rantaro and Tenko danced next to us.
Everyone was having a great time.
I smiled at the fact that all these people were now my best friends.

I leaned my head into Kokichi's chest as we danced, then looked back up at him.

He swung me around with his hand, our dance was more childish than the others but all that mattered was the fun we were having with each other

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He swung me around with his hand, our dance was more childish than the others but all that mattered was the fun we were having with each other.

We slowly stopped dancing heading back out to the balcony that was inside of the big room we danced in.
We looked back out at the view and I then I felt my hand become warm.
We were still holding hands and I was hot but the breeze from the outside made me balanced.
I then closed my eyes leaning my head onto Kokichi's shoulder.

My wish finally came true, thank you Kokichi for being the one to bring it to me.

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