Cha 18.) Intruding

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I walked into the classroom instantly putting my head down knowing Kokichi was in here.
I tried keeping my head down for most of the class, trying to pass the time by actually paying attention or just writing notes to Tenko.
I couldn't help myself though, his face would say it all.
He wasn't speaking or annoying anyone, his voice was just silent.

Finally I turned around to get a glimpse of him.

Finally I turned around to get a glimpse of him

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He seemed frustrated.
His face was red as if he had a fever, the cold must've gotten to him.
I sighed and looked back facing forward.

"Are you planning on talking to him?"
Angie asked.
Wait- Angie?
I turned around.
"Oh- hi?"
I said confused on how she came into the class without me noticing.
Didn't she go a different way?
I sighed.
"What do you mean?"
I asked.
"That boy has been staring at you all period! Atua says you and him share a great bond!"
Angie announced.

"Yonaga, please quiet down."
Our sensei said.
She nodded.
"Atua and I apologise for the inconvenience Sensei!"
Angie exclaimed.
The teacher just nodded at her seemingly confused.
"Look, there's nothing between us okay?"
I said a bit irritated.

I could tell Kokichi was hurt by that comment when in the corner of my eye he lowered his head.
I looked forward.
Then Angie leaned out of her chair, our sensei was just staring at her and at this point our sensei was fed up.
"Atua says you like him too.."
She whispered into my ear.
I swiped her away covering my face.
"Yonaga, one more time and you will serve detention!"
Sensei said.

Angie nodded with not a single sweat, she wasn't embarrassed or anything along the lines.
She was calm.
We stayed quiet for the rest of the class.
At lunch later in the day I sat at a table waiting for Tenko and Angie.
I saw Kokichi walking over but then Angie sat down next to me and he did a full 180.
I then put my head down onto the table frustrated.

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