Cha 11.) No Degenerate Male

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As soon as I came through the door-
"Did you have fun?"
I heard a happy voice ask.
"Yeah, I just wish you could came Tenko!"
I whined.
"At least you had fun."
She smiled.
"Soooo... Who was the mystery person?"
She asked on the edge of her bed.
"They.. Never came."
I said.
Tenko looked angry.

"But, I had a good time with Kokichi."
I spoke.
"You did what?"
She was wide eyed, full of shock, surprise, maybe even amazement.
"That's great! Strange.. But great!"
She said clapping for me.
I smiled softly.
"I'm gonna take a shower and then go straight to bed Tenko.. I'm really tired."
I said.

She nodded and laid back down on her bed.
I walked to the bathroom and took a thirty minute shower.
I got out drying myself and changing into my pajamas.
I looked at myself in the mirror, the only thing in my mind was Kokichi.

I walked out of the bathroom and plopped onto my bed closing my eyes.

The next morning I woke up.
It's winter break!
I yawned and jumped out of bed pulling Tenko off of her bed.
"MMmMmmmhg, Himiko?"
Tenko whined.
I yelled, last night my mind was so set on Kokichi that I had totally forgotten about the break that followed the dance.
A week of family time, a week of friend time, and a week of presents.. There was secret Santa! And so much more!

There was no time to waste..
Though I was feeling kinda sluggish.
Tenko yelled after me.
Then the excitement toned down.
"Musical binging?"
I asked slouching over.
"Musical binging."
Tenko agreed.
I yawned again walking over to our TV turning on a musical.

The two first days we spent it on binging and watching musicals.
After that we decided we'd go out.
We went back to the theme park because we had no other ideas and we thought it'd be best to go out.

I hadn't talked to Kokichi since the night of the dance and I felt kinda anxious.
"Himiko, what rides do you wanna go on?"
Tenko asked.
I pointed to a small Duck roller coaster.
I knew it was for kids and all but it didn't seem scary and I thought it'd still be fun.
Tenko nodded kinda disappointed.
As we were walking to the roller coaster we spotted some kids from our school.

As we were walking to the roller coaster we spotted some kids from our school

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Kaede, Shuichi, and Rantaro.
They were the few students who weren't so mean to me and Tenko, though Tenko always came off so strong so no one really tried to get to know us.
I guess my personality is also to blame, me always talking about magic..
But I can't help myself.

Anyways, we took our tickets and got onto the ducks.
There were small twists and turns.
There were little hills and on those I held onto Tenko tightly.
I squealed.

I felt embarrassed as Tenko laughed because I knew why she was laughing, this was a kids ride after all.
"Aw, Himiko it's okay!"
She reassured me.
Finally the ride stopped and I ran off with Tenko chasing after me, soon after I heard her yell.
Confused I turned around and-

"AHHHH! I- Degenerate- OH MY- I'm sorry- Wait no-The sight was one I thought I'd never see

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"AHHHH! I- Degenerate- OH MY- I'm sorry- Wait no-
The sight was one I thought I'd never see.
Somehow Tenko had tripped falling onto Rantaro.
They were both shocked.
I ran over to help Tenko out of the mess I had gotten her in and as I pulled Tenko off of Rantaro got up apologizing.

"I'm so sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going."
He said scratching the back of his head.
"Of course you degenerates never are.."
Tenko mumbled wiping herself off.
"I sincerely apologize."
He said looking into her eyes.
She stared at him without saying anything for a minute before crossing her arms.
"Are you cross dressing? How could you be a male!?"
Tenko asked circling Rantaro.

"I- Uhm.. No I'm not cross dressing. I'm actually a guy."
Rantaro said awkwardly laughing a bit.
She thought to herself.
Tenko thought.
Then Shuichi and Kaede came up behind Rantaro.

"Is everything okay?"
Kaede asked with a soft smile.
Me and Tenko nodded.
"Ah, that's good! You guys go to our school don't you, wanna hang out with us?"
Kaede asked.
Before Tenko could decline the offer I nodded.
"Of course!"
I answered.
I usually wouldn't hang out with anyone other than Tenko.. Or Kokichi.. But Tenko has taken a liking to Rantaro, the first male she has ever seemed to be fond of even though they had just fallen atop of each other.

I wouldn't miss my opportunity to get Tenko to see that not all guys are so bad.
I smiled thinking of Tenko being more open to the thought of hanging around a guy.

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