Cha 19.) Show Me You Love Me

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As we sat down I looked over to where Kokichi sat.
He was alone, I sighed annoyed.
I wanted to go over to him but I was too nervous.
Maybe.. It's true, maybe we do have a bond.
Maybe I do lov- like him.
Like him.

"Hey, Himiko, you alright?"
Tenko asked.
"I'm fine."
I mumbled.
"Atua says she is having love troubles!"
Angie exclaimed.
"How do you know that!? And WHO'S Atua!? How does Atua know about this!?"
Tenko yelled.

"Oh, but Atua knows everything dear Tenko!"
She stuck her tongue out as if making fun of Tenko for freaking out.

"Oh, but Atua knows everything dear Tenko!"She stuck her tongue out as if making fun of Tenko for freaking out

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As the two were jabbing at each other I watched as Kokichi left for the hallway.
It would've been fine if Miu didn't follow close behind.

I got up leaving the two unnoticed.
I went down the hall that Kokichi and Miu walked down.
Finally I stumbled upon them around a corner, I quickly hid behind the wall.
I didn't want to interfere unless she went to harass him.. Which she was most likely is going to do.
I waited behind the wall for them to start talking.

"Hey fuck up!"
I heard Miu yell.
Kokichi's footsteps stopped and I heard what sounded like him turning to Miu.
"Oh, it's you. What do you want boobs for brains?"
He asked.
I heard running and then
"Hey, stop!"
Kokichi yelled.
Then something smashed.

"Who knew you had the money for another electronic device!?"
She laughed manically.
"Or was it your little girlfriend, oh wait, if the rumors are true she doesn't even like you!"
Miu announced.
Wait.. How does she know about this?
"How the hell do you now about that, no one does, there are no rumors! You're just messing with my head!"
Kokichi yelled.
"There will be soon if you don't keep quiet you little fucker!"
She yelled.

Suddenly I heard someone fall.
Miu yelled.
"You're gonna pay for that you brat!"
I couldn't tell exactly what was happening but I knew that Kokichi wasn't safe.
"You know, it wasn't that hard to hack into your phone! I know all your little secrets, actually I know everyone's, but yours are just too GOOD!"
She yelled.

I turned around the corner and when I did-

I turned around the corner and when I did-"SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP!"

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Kokichi's voice sounded in pain.
"Just leave me the fuck alone!"
He yelled.
After yelling at her his eyes darted to me.
He mumbled before being thrown to the wall.

"Yeah, say her name all you want, no one will ever fuckin' love ya!"
She yelled.
I ran over and jumped onto her trying to tackle her but I did absolutely nothing.
Miu pushed me off of her and then ran towards me with her fist.
I flinched but no pain occurred, though I did hear the punch land.

I looked up and saw Kokichi in front of me fall onto the ground.
His mouth was bleeding.
He.. Protected me.
I yelled worried.
Suddenly Miu picked Kokichi up by his scarf and pushed him up against the wall.
He yelled over and over again kicking her in the face and anywhere else you could imagine.
She then threw him at another wall and after that he seemed unresponsive.

The shock made me paralysed.
I then pushed myself up from the ground and ran for help.
The closest person I spotted was someone who wasn't really fond of me, but at this point my insecurities didn't matter!
Not at all!
I needed to help Kokichi!
"Maki right!? I need your h-help! Please!"
I was crying, shaking.
"What is it?"
She seemed unbothered but confused.
"Miu is beating up Kokichi.. I tried to stop her, I don't know what to do!"
I yelled.
She nodded.
"Lead me to them.."
She said in a stern voice.

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