Cha 6.) A Teary Interjection

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I walked out of class starting to head over to the cafeteria when I saw Kokichi walking to the school's rooftop.
I wanted to figure out what was up with him so
I followed close behind him.
We walked to a bench and he sat down, then he noticed me.
"Oh, hey Himiko."
He said rather calm.

"Hey Kokichi, whatcha doin'?"
I asked.
"Nothing, just admiring the sky."
He said with a calm expression.
He then turned to me.

"Who were you talking about in class?"
He asked out of no where.
"Oh, this person who's been texting me. They seem very sweet, I just wish I could meet them.."
I said with a sad expression.

"Who do you want them to be..?"
He asked moving his face closer to mine.
"Oh, I haven't thought about it like that. Well.. I'd never want them to be you."
I started to laugh.

Suddenly Kokichi's face went pale.
I wanted to change the subject.. But the only thing that came to mind was..

"Hey, why did you freak out earlier?"
I asked confused.
"I didn't freak out! I was defending myself. I would never be jealous of anyone, especially with anything that has to deal with you!"
He yelled.

"Why are you being so mean to me all of a sudden! Don't tell me you're actually jealous.."
I said.
"I told you I'm not!"
He gave me a look of insincerity but soon it turned into a look of insecurity. Tears were falling from his eyes faster than I could process.

 Tears were falling from his eyes faster than I could process

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He yelled in confusion.
He continued to yell.
He went quiet.

"Kokichi.. I'm really sorry.. I didn't mean to make yo-
I went to reach for his face but he turned away.
"It's fine."
He then turned back around.

"He then turned back around

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"I'm sorry for yelling."
He whispered.
"I'm just.. Nervous."
Nervous, why would he be nervous?

"Kokichi, do you wanna talk? Maybe I can understand you more if yo-
"No, it's okay.. I'm just tired."
He said starting to walk away.

Why was he acting like this?
Was it something that me and Tenko said?
I felt guilty but I wasn't sure why..

Seeing him so angry and hurt, why did it effect me so much?
I shook my head at the thought.
Maybe he's just having a bad day..

I sighed and got up heading to the bathroom.
I walked into one of the stalls and sat down.
I laid my bag on my lap and I was about to
text that mystery guy but as I did someone banged on my stall causing me to drop my bag in panic.

A few books slipped out including my diary.
I yelled.
I opened the stall and saw Miu holding my diary.
She then ran out laughing aloud.

I started to gather up my stuff while trying to calm myself down.
There wasn't anything really important in that diary right..?
I just restated everything that happened and..
Oh.. No..
I wrote my feelings for this mystery person in it.

I screamed.
She was going to tell everyone.. Though either way no one else would know who I liked other than the actual person.. Which is still embarrassing!

I calmed down and with a long sigh I walked out the stall and to my surprise Tenko was just standing there.
"Hey Tenko!"
I said trying to smile.
"Hey.. You alright..?"
She asked.

"Miu got her dirty hands on my diary.."
I mumbled crossing my arms.
"Oh no she didn't! Ima kick her butt!"
Tenko yelled as she stomped out of the bathroom.

I felt myself tense up.
What was she doing!?

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