Cha 3.) Angry Friend

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In the middle of class I got bored and started to text that random number.



So, do you go to my school? Or is this just a random number that somehow knows about the whole witch thing?

I go to your school, yeah.

Alrighty, that's great to know. Have you seen the new kid?


He's so weird and annoying, do you have any thoughts on him?

He's.. Yeah he's weird.

And a liar.

Alright, anyways class is about to end. Text me if you need anything. We have some classes together so if you forget the homework or whatever I've got it.

Okay, thanks!

The bell rang and I got up heading out.

I was walking through the hallway when Tenko stopped me.
"Himiko, we need to talk."
Tenko said in a serious voice.
We went into the girl's bathroom and she looked pretty angry.
"Everyone's told me what you said behind my back! I just want you to know that I'm very disappointed, I thought me protecting you from those degenerate males would do me good instead did this!?"
She yelled pulling out her phone.
It was my social media.
It was a chat with someone named Himiko who.. Wasn't me.
"I'm a lesbian bitch, really? Is that the best you've got!?"
She yelled at me starting to tear up.
"Te-Tenko, let me explain!"
I yelled.
"There's nothing to say!"
She yelled back and left the bathroom.

I felt tears rush down my face.
Miu was meddling with our friendship again..
I cried in the bathroom for a few minutes and then got up and walked out.
I decided I'd skip out on gardening club because if I went there I'd see Tenko again and she won't listen to me until she feels better, then I can explain that it was a fake account under my name.
Or maybe Miu hacked my account again.
I headed for my dorm when there again in the same spot as yesterday sat Kokichi.
"Hey, why are you crying..?"
He asked confused.
"Why would you care!?"
I yelled at him slamming the door just as I had the day before.
I jumped onto my bed and grabbed my phone.
I needed to talk to someone but I had no one..
Other than..
That random phone number from earlier.
It's worth a try, everyone hates me anyway


Hey, wanna talk?

Yes please.

So.. What happened?

Everyone hates me, this girl in most of my classes her name's Miu Iruma. She keeps meddling with me and Tenko's friendship and now Tenko is really mad at me.

What exactly happened?
And if it's any better I don't hate you.

Miu hacked my account on social media and said some horrible things about Tenko under my name.

Tenko will come to her senses, everyone wants to be mad sometimes. She'll realise that she never got your side of things and ask or she's just not a real friend.

I guess you're right.

Yup, also whenever you have a problem just talk to me, I'm always here.

But why?

I never got a response but talking to someone made me calm down.
I was kinda confused.. How'd they know I needed to talk..?

I wanted to figure out who this person was but.. I also liked the mystery.
Maybe my wish did come true..?
Someone who'd stick with me through my hardest times?
How strange though..
Why would they text anonymously?

I remembered how I yelled at Kokichi a minute before and felt guilty.
I walked out of my dorm and looked around for Kokichi but.. He wasn't where we had been before.
He had left.

Did I make him leave?
I shook my head.
I need to apologize tomorrow..
I then went back inside and took a shower.
I heard the dorm's door open and close and knew that Tenko was inside.
I got out and dried myself off when I heard mumbling.
I got dressed and peaked my head out of the bathroom.
I saw Tenko waiting there at the door for me.
I then slammed it and slid down the door.
"L-Look, Himiko..I-
She paused.
Why was she nervous all of a sudden.
I got up and opened the door walking out.
"Kiibo told me Miu hacked your account.. I'm so sorry for not listening to your side of things! I'm such a horrible friend, I'm so sorry!"
She yelled hugging me tightly.
"Nyeh.. Tenko, it's alright. How about I just delete my socials, I literally don't use them anyway."
I said smiling.
"Alright, I'll do the same.. And.. Movie night?"
She asked with a half smile.
"Movie night!"
I said excited.
We ended up watching more than one movie as we usually did that on the days we fought.
It helped bring us back to that level of friendship that we had before Miu ruined it.
I turned off the TV after the movies were over and got into bed.
"Goodnight Himiko."
I heard her yawn.
"Night Tenko!"
I then yawned as well and fell asleep.

What a day..

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