fourteen. [c.a.m]

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"So you can completely confirm that you are dating 5 Seconds Of Summer star Michael Clifford?" A reporter asked me through the gates of the arena, pushing a voice recorder to my face.

"Yes I can confirm that" I smiled

"And is it true that you are the girl that Michael in effect Catfished earlier this year?" he pressed on.

"Well yes that is true, however he was always doing things to look after me, it was all positive" I sighed with a small smile.

"So is the relationship causing any friction on tour? Any conflict of interest etc?" he asked

"No no not at all everything is okay, I mean we've all been friends for a while well except for the Rixton boys but they are good lads and everyone gets along" I responded

"My final question I promise Sources say that there may be some friction between Michael and Ashton in regards to you, is this true?" He said, once again pushing the voice recorder to my face. I was very confused, this couldnt be true at all right?

"No. thats definitely not true, they're best friends and Ashton's happy for us, he helped us get together, if it wasn't for him I don't even think Michael and I would be friends." I smiled.

I saw Michael come round the corner and walk towards the gate where the reporter was, the reporter turned around and spotted him too and smiled widely, knowing he could now get more out of us with us both being there.

"Excuse me" Michael said to the reported, motioning for him to move from the gate so that he could go through. "Hello you" he smiled and kissed me quickly, we heard the reporter's camera click as we kissed and I rolled my eyes with a smile, this was normal now for us, we had gotten used to the cameras and the constant questions, we were in the public eye and it wad weird. Especially for me, I had gone from being a normal fan in a twitter group, then to being friends with my sunshine Michael Clifford, and then to not being friend with him due to his catfishing. Then to Rixton's tour manager, and now Michael Clifford's girlfriend. And this was all in the space of about three months or so. It was crazy, I could hardly take all of it in.

"No more questions" Michael smiled and took hold of my hand and lead me back inside. "Tonight's going to be a good show" he stated wrapping his arm around my shoulders.

"Why is that?" I smiled snuggling closer to hi while we walked, wondering what was so special aout tonight.

He stayed silent and just smiled.

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