twenty one [c.a.m]

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"Michael Clifford and Casey Martin split"

I turned off the TV, it had been two weeks and my face was still plastered everywhere. News programmes, websites, social media websites, everything.

I was sick of it, it felt like old news to me, it was two weeks ago, couldn't people get over it? I was getting over it myself.

Callum and I were just glad we were living together again, I had missed him so much, he was my best friend and he always knew what to do.

While Callum was at work I was looking around the house, nothing had changed, everything was the same. Except I went into my old office, everything was untouched except a my pin board was full of paper, usually it had always been empty. I looked closer at the items pinned to the board. It was full of newspaper and magazine articles about me, Callum had obviously done this with every paper or magazine he had bought.

There were pictures of me, reviews of my work, facts and things to get to know me it was weird to look at. I hadn't really paid much attention to the printed media, just plainly for the fact that I had no time.

I made my way upstairs to my bedroom, I hadn't been staying in there, I had been staying in with Callum for the past two weeks. And I remembered why when I walked in, so many reminders of Michael. It just hurt my heart to look at them.

I grabbed my bin and crumpled all the photos of us into it, I rolled all my posters up and threw them into my wardrobe. All the letters and handwritten lyrics, the original sheets of the songs he wrote, were all placed into a draw which I made a mental note of not to open.

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