four. [c.a.m]

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Day one of tour with the Rixton boys in Australia and I was so excited, i had got to know the boys a bit and had learnt that their names were Charley, Jake, Lewi and Danny. They seemed like such lovely lads but sometimes I found it difficult to know what they were saying because of their British accent. They didn't seem to talk too much but I guess they were just getting used to me.

"Right, come on guys, soundcheck time, let the VIP's in and we will get stuff sorted" I said with a smile, I was so excited to be doing my first job but I was nervous too, I was taking on such a large responsibility. But I believed in myself, and thats all that matters.

The 50 VIP's found their way in, lining up and sitting in their designated seats on the front row, I knew this was my cue.

"Hello you lot" I smiled as I walked in, I recieved a few 'hellos' in response. "who's excited for the special Rixton VIP treatment?" I asked getting screams in response. "well I'm Casey Martin, tour manager and I want to make sure you guys have a good time, this will be the most intimate, longest and best VIP session ever and we want to make it spcial just for you guys, who's ready?!"

"The first task is, here is a few tickets to the show tonight" I handed 2 tickets to each person "Your task is, after the VIP session when you go back outside before being let in early, I want you to find people who do not have tickets for the show tonight, and I want you to give them a ticket, however write down their names and your name togetherand you will get a shout out at tonight's show" I said with a wide smile, I had always come up with this idea of giving back to the fans, and now that I had the power to do so, I had to do it.

The faces smiled at me and nodded, all placing their tickets in their various pockets and bags.

"So guys, are you ready to se Rixton?" I said, "They'll be here in just 5 minutes, so to pass the time, here are you free goodie bags" These goodie bags were those I had packed myself, they had CD's, a t-shirt, a vinyl, bracelets and signed posters. "Your professional photos and polaroid photo will be done after the soundcheck guys"

I stood back smiling as I watched the 50 teenagers get to know each other, I could get used to this, making deserving people feel happy.

"Excuse me, Miss Martin" One girl called my attention.

"yes, hi and please call me 'Casey'" I smiled

"Are you the girl from the 5SOSfam? The grooup called The Sqwad" She smiled.

I sighed, hoping that maybe someone wouldnt realise, "Yes thats me" I smiled

"Are you still friends with Michael? Theyre one of my favourite bands!" She smiled

"I-I erm" I started but was cut off by a voice calling my name

"Casey!" I saw a blob of red hair running down the ailse of the arena, oh god it couldn't be.

"Michael!" I shouted, "Ill be one moment you lot"

"Case-casey" He said out of breath.

"What're you doing here?" I laughed at him.

"I had to be here for your first show Case, theres no way I could miss it!" He said, his breath catching up with him.

I smiled at him , my heart fluttered a little at the thought of him going out of his way to visit me, I grabbed his hand and walked him over to the group with me. "So guys, This is Michael he'll be helping me out today, so If you need anything and Im not around, he's the next point of call." I smiled

The same girl who was talking to me earlier ran straight over, "Oh my god Michael!" She squealed hugging him.

"Hello" He smiled hugging her back.

"Sorry, I'll leave you two alone, could I just quickly get a selfie?" she asked

"Of course" he said smiling, posing for a photo with the girl. I couldn't help but smile, I had missed him.

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