Authors Note!

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Hey guys!

Are you guys sad it's over? Because I am omg. I've had so much fun writing this series, twitter was the first fan-fiction I wrote, and for it to get nearly 20k reads is crazy, and then for the sequel to get nearly 10k is crazier. I was thinking about doing a third sequel, but I'm not sure if enough people would read it, so if you'd be interested in reading a third book, comment and let me know!

I didn't know what to think of the book initially when I wrote it, I was conflicted for ages over whether I should've posted it or not. Like, I had always wanted to write fan-fiction, but I had never had the confidence to. When I was in school, my English teacher always used to tell me how shit my creative writing was, but I guess I just hadn't had the opportunity to write about something I liked.

Through this book I've met my best friends, it's crazy I know, but The Sqwad are hands down the best people I've ever met so id like to dedicated this series to the people below, The Sqwad.

Kerilee Lauryn, Autumn, Riley, Yasmina, Georgia, Jack, Krystina, Josie
, Alexys, Emma, Iris, Megan.

I will be doing editing for the two books, I know I've had various comments about my mistakes, haha, but I just wanted to post the books and then go back through and do my editing.

I have some more series going on which I have a lot of books planned, all with different story lines, hopefully you guys will like them!

Plus I would love to do a Q&A, so if you have any questions, comment them or inbox me, even tweet me, and I'll post them in a chapter after this one.

Also, going to post a chapter with some stories/fanfics that I'm reading at the moment which you should check out, plus a few stories from some people that have based their story off of this series or have included The Sqwad, so if you want your work on here, just message or tweet me or comment which book and I'll include it!

I love you all x

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