twenty seven. [m.g.c]

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So our surprise was a house. A freaking house. Our families had clubbed together to buy us this really cool house in LA.

It was an amazing house, it had two rooms for our music stuff, like the instruments and also a recording type room where we could record our ideas properly withut having to write everything down, at least that way we could get things sent to the label much easier.

We just fell in love with it, and we wanted to move into it straight away, all of our stuff had already been shipped over and was ready to be put in place, we spent most of the day doing that, and also fighting over who's room was who's.

"Yo Mikey C" Luke said, bounding down the steps onto the front porch.

"First of all, never ever ever call me that again, and second of all, where is Ashton? I know Cal is upstairs" I said with a short laugh.

"That was rude haha, and hes getting dressed and then going next door to meet the neighbours, he said he wants to show manners, or something like that" Luke shrugged

"Typical Ashton" I laughed."Speak of the devil" I said as Ashton walked past us, he had changed his clothes and re-styled his hair, he looked pretty good to be honest, obviously he wanted to make a good impression.

He walked over to the next-door neighbours house, they were just moving in as well, the moving van was still parked outside. I watched Ashton knock onto the door, and then a hug smile come onto his face, he hugged the person at the door and then nodded. I was curious as to what was going on. But then a girl bounded out of the door and jumped onto Ashton, her arms wrapped around him as well as her legs, they were spinning around, and I was confused, how could he possibly know the neighbours?

But when he set the girl down, I looked towards the door and there was a big group of girls and one boy walked through the crowd. I recognised him, it was Callum, Casey's best friend. I took a second glance to the girl that Ashton was spinning around, and it was Casey.

I began to panic, I couldnt have moved next door to The Sqwad could I? No, no way, Casey lived in Australia. I had this thing I wanted to give Casey when I next saw her, but now that she was here, I wasn't sure if I could do it, plus I couldn't if Callum was here. I needed to talk to him, just me and him.

"Callum" I called, "Not the hood one" I laughed and I saw him walking over, his hand waving in the air

"Long time no see" he said pulling me into a bro hug.

"Im surprised you're talking to me to be honest" I sighed, looking at the scene in front of me, I just couldnt keep my eyes off of Casey, she was too beautiful.

"So am I mate, so am I." He sighed, "but bro, its okay Casey and I are just friends"

"How did you know I was..." I began

"I know you love her Michael, the way you look at her, its like you're stood looking at your entire world" He laughed

"That's because I am looking at my entire world" I sighed, "Could I talk to you about something? Youre her closest friend, I just need to know something?" I said, motioning for Callum to follow me inside the new house.

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