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"When two hearts meet after being apart for a time, the world fades away as they meet and share the purest of loves. They are invincible at that moment, and that is the magic of their love." - Unknown.

We ran out onto the deck to see there were indeed three new bodies in the sea. Caspian and a couple of his men dove into the water to retrieve them. I can only hope and pray that it is who I think it is. I held my breath, as Caspian came back up with someone from the sea. Lucy stepped onto the boat, and I ran to here, before she could see me. I hugged her tightly so happy that something had gone right. Lucy pulled back from the hug, then saw me.

"Arabella!" she shrieked attacking me in a hug again. I laughed and hugged her back. "Edmund and I have missed you so much." she whispered in my ear.

"Arabella." I heard a voice say in a state of shock. Looking up, I saw the voice belonged to Edmund, the boy I loved, who I haven't seen in five months. With a running start, I leapt onto him, wrapping my legs around his waist, my arms wrapping around his neck.

Without another second to spare, I kissed him, it was a passionate kiss that I had missed while he was in Cambridge

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Without another second to spare, I kissed him, it was a passionate kiss that I had missed while he was in Cambridge. I pulled back and looked him in the eye.

"I never said it back." I pointed out, nearly crying. Edmund smiled down at me. 

"You don't have to." he declared quietly, pulling me in for another kiss. I smiled, happy that I could see him again. 

"Well to make it official, I love you Edmund Pevensie, you mean more to me, then I could ever dream, I love you beyond measure and reason." I admitted, his eyes lit up in a beautiful way and he went to kiss me again.

"That was thrilling." Lucy commented, breaking us apart, as Caspian wrapped a towel around her.

"How in the world did you end up here?" he asked.

"I have no idea." she truthfully told him.

"Caspian!" Edmund called from the back of the boat. Caspian smiled, and wrapped a towel around his shoulders.

"Edmund." he welcomed 

"It's great to see you." Edmund announced, walking to the front of the boat with Ed, I quickly followed just behind them.

"It's good to see you." Caspian replied.

"Didn't you call for us?" Lucy asked, confused. 

"No, not this time, Arabella got here a couple of seconds before you did." Caspian acknowledged. Edmund hugged me from behind, putting his head on top of mine.

"Well whatever the case, I'm just glad to be here." he said, tightening his grip on my waist. You and me both. Edmund looked down at me and smiled.

"Nice to see you've not grown." he commented, smirking. I rolled my eyes.

"Sorry, not all of us can be giants." I shot back. Honestly, I think I'm the shortest here, I'm 5'2, Lucy is 5'4, Edmund is 5'8 and Caspian is 6'1. Bloody giants.

A loud screech stopped the reunion, and we all turned to find the source. The crew parted to reveal Reepicheep on top of a writhing boy, the third one from the water. Wait third?

"Get that thing off me." he cried, throwing Reep across the boat. Reepicheep rolled away, trying to regain his balance. 

"Reepicheep" Lucy blurted out happily. His face twisted to one of surprise to see us standing there. 

"Oh, you majesties and fellow knight of Narnia." he bowed. We all laughed together.

"Hello Reep, what a pleasure." Edmund said politely.

"It's great to see you again Reep." I grinned, giving him a nod of acknowledgment. 

"The pleasure is all mine sir, but first what to do about this hysterical interloper?" he asked, motioning to the boy still frantically writhing around on the floor. The boy coughed heavily and turned to face us. Maybe I'm not the shortest, no wait he's 5'3, GoD DAmMiT!

"That giant rat thing tried to claw my face off!" he yelled, pointing to Reepicheep. All of the crew parted so we could get a clear view of the boy.

"Ed, who's that?" I asked, confused to why he was brought there with them.

"Oh that's my cousin Eustace, you know the one we were sent to live with in Cambridge." he answered. I nodded, not saying another word, just watching Eustace in amusement.

"I was merely trying to expel the water from your lungs sir." Reepicheep defended himself. Eustace stood in in surprise, backing away to the edge of the boat.

"It talked! Did you s- Did anyone just hear that it just talked!" he yelled frantically. Pointing towards Reep again.

"He always talks." One man informed from the side.

"Actually, it's getting him to shut up is the problem." Caspian added. All of the men surrounding us laughed in agreement.

"The moment there is nothing to be said, your highness, I promise you I will not say it." he professed, putting a hand on his little chest, bowing ever so slightly. 

"I don't know what kind of prank this is, but I want to wake up right now!" Eustace continued his rant in intelligible mumbles, going way too fast for anyone to understand. 

"Perhaps we could throw him back." Reep suggested hopefully. I looked back to Edmund and Lucy. Lucy's expression said it was a definite no, but Edmund was actually considering it.

"Edmund!" Lucy scolded, hitting him lightly, when she saw his face. 

"I demand to know where in the blazes am I?" Eustace exclaimed walking up to everyone he could see. 

"You're on the Dawn Treader, the finest ship in Narnia's navy." Tavros, the minotaur informed him kindly. Eustace fainted at the first sight of him. Landing harshly on the floor. I chuckled to myself.

"Don't laugh, you must've been scared when you first entered Narnia." Lucy lectured me. I smirked,

"Yes, but I didn't faint." I pointed out. Lucy's face slowly broke out into a grin she was unable to hide as she agreed. Caspian strode forwards to see Eustace himself. 

"Was it something I said?" Tavros asked, referring to Eustace. Caspian grinned, looking between Tavros and the boy asleep on the floor.

"See to him, will you?" he asked. Tavros quickly bowed and helped the unconscious boy to a room on the lower deck. 

"Men, behold our castaways, Edmund the Just, Lucy the Valiant and Arabella the Audacious, High King, Queen and knight of Narnia." he announced, leaping up the stairs, so he was elevated. The crew all bowed to Edmund and Lucy, and they looked around at the Narnians their pride probably going through the roof. It was at that point, I realised that Edmund and Lucy transferred all of the sea water from themselves to me. Charming.

"Ew, I'm all wet." I complained, shaking my arms, in attempts to dry my clothes off. Seriously I just put them on. When no one said anything, I spun to look at Edmund, who was smirking down at me, I just then realised what I said. Good choice of words Arabella

I looked at Edmund with a raised eye brow, but couldn't stop my face flushing the colour of a tomato. Although I hated to blush, it felt good to feel like that again after a while.

"I will not hesitate to elbow you." I warned him, raising my arms ready. Edmund backed away quickly, and Caspian gave him a look that said 'good choice.' I'm glad to be back.

(A/N Hope you enjoyed the chapter don't forget to vote xx)

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