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(If you don't like the dresses picture what you want.)

"Marriage: love is the reason. Lifelong friendship is the gift. Kindness is the cause. Til' death do us part is the length." - Fawn Weaver

The war was finally over Edmund and Lucy came back from Cambridge a couple of weeks ago, Edmund kept to his word and took me on the most romantic date. It was a picnic by a lake, with candles lit and everything, it was perfect. But, today was the big day, and I'm freaking out, it's not that I don't want to be married, it's that I can't believe it's actually happening. It's completely normal to be a little nervous. Right?

Lucy and Susan were watching me pace about in their gorgeous dresses. 

"I don't know what you're so worried about." Susan claimed, trying to calm me down, she placed a gentle hand on my shoulder.

"I don't either, so if you find out could you please let me know." I asked biting my lip. In a few hours I was going to be a Pevensie, Maybe I wasn't nervous just excited.

"Stop doing that, you'll ruin your make up!" Lucy scolded me, referring to me biting my lip. 

"I can't help it, I mean what if I'm not good enough for him, or I mess up or something." I listed refraining from running a hand through my hair that was currently styled perfectly. 

I had wanted Caspian to be at my wedding, but it's very unlikely that I'll see him again

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I had wanted Caspian to be at my wedding, but it's very unlikely that I'll see him again. Suddenly, a hand was placed over mine, I looked up to see Caspian staring back at me. What the hell?

"Caspian what're you doing here?" I asked in confusion, quickly hugging him to check he was real. Yep, he was here.

"Aslan has allowed me to come here, but only for the wedding, I have to return to Narnia after." he told me. I nodded, then looked up to him.

"Will you give me away?" I asked hopefully. Caspian's smile doubled and he nodded, hugging me tightly. We stood up together, Lucy and Susan trailing behind us and opened the door. 

As I my eyes trailed further up the aisle I saw Edmund stood there proudly. I completely ignored everyone else. As soon as my eyes locked with Edmund's all the nerves vanished, and I smiled happily, I saw how silly I was to be fearing something like this. I confidently let out the breath it felt like I had been holding for hours and held my head high, slowly walking down the aisle. One foot in front of the other. Don't you dare fall now

When I finally reached the alter, Edmund took my hands in his, caressing them gently and in a comforting way. Caspian stepped off to the side, Lucy and Susan retreating to the other. 

"You look beautiful, 'Bella" he whispered to me. I blushed, trying to not just kiss him on the spot, I had to wait.

"Thank you Eddie." I whispered back. 

Somewhere Only We Know | Edmund Pevensie {2}Where stories live. Discover now