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"Possessiveness comes when there is fear of losing a loved one, not because they don't trust you, but because they can't imagine a life without you." - Unknown.

I was sat on the boat next to Edmund, watching him scrape the covering off the sword he acquired in the Lone Islands. He's spent most of his time trying to get it off, he's about halfway down the blade at the minute. Reepicheep came up behind me and sat on the barrel next to me.

"It's going to be magnificent, do they come in a smaller size?" he asked sheepishly. I looked over to the corner, to see Eustace sat between barrels, so you could barely see him. He seemed to be talking to a seagull. I stood up and went towards him to tell him his mistake, but it seemed I'm not the only one that noticed.

"Uh, why you talking to that bird?" Tavros asked, leaning over the edge of the boat.

"Well I just naturally assumed you could-"

Eustace was cut off by Tavros laughing loudly at him. 

"He's talking to birds!" Tavros laughed, encouraging the sailor next to him to join in. 

"He's mad as a loon that one." the sailor joined in, hitting Tavros' chest, earning a hard slap on the back. Eustace shooed the bird away, obviously embarrassed.

"Has everyone on the ship laughed at you like that, or is it just those two?" I asked Eustace, taking him by surprise. He looked around the ship to see if anyone else saw the interaction, before answering.

"Well most have taken advantage of my lack of knowledge in Narnia, so yes, I'd say the majority." I gave him a sorry look. I felt really bad for him, it wasn't his fault he was thrown into this, and was trying to work off logic.

"Hey!" I shouted to no one in particular, gaining the whole ship's attention. "If I find out that anyone else has mocked Eustace in any way, you will answer to me, do you all Understand?" I yelled, everyone stood silently, nodding in understanding, slightly afraid. Eustace leapt to his feet.

"People are staring!" he hissed quietly, not liking the attention. 

"People will stare, might as well make it worth their while." I explained with a smile, which he returned I think that's the first time he's genuinely smiled since he got here, then I left him to his thoughts. I walked back over to Edmund, and he wrapped his arms around my waist, hugging me from behind.

"You didn't have to do that." he whispered in my ear, his warm breath making goose bumps appear on my neck. I smiled and looked back at him over my shoulder. 

"I know I didn't, but I just remember being in that position, and I wouldn't like it if that happened to me, so I thought I'd help him." I admitted. Edmund put his head on my shoulder, and we just stayed like that for a while, enjoying each other's company. 

"Ed?" I asked, breaking the silence. "Earlier Lucy told me that you were trying to sign up to the army to fight in the war back home, are you?" I questioned, turning to face him hoping he'd say no. Edmund hesitated, then sighed.

"I didn't want to say anything, but I want to fight for my country, it feels like my duty." he explained quietly. I stood up and walked away from him, not being able to look at him. 

"And what if you die out there?" I asked my voice raising slightly.

"Then I'll die with honour, knowing I did my part." he said flatly. I felt a pang in my chest that he was okay with dying in a war. I could feel tears starting to prick my eyes. I spun back around and marched up to him.

"See that's the problem, you don't care about getting hurt, but you know how I'll feel? I'll be devastated. And if you die, I will literally go out of my freaking mind. You see death doesn't happen to you, it happens to everyone around you, to all the people left standing at your funeral trying to figure out how they're going to lives the rest of their lives now without you in it. Think about how Lucy would feel if you died, or Susan, or Peter, or Helen and me. I can't lose you Edmund, not now not ever, so please don't sign up, I'm begging you." I pleaded, at this point my tears were freely falling down my face, not stopping any time soon. Edmund looked shocked for a second, before pulling me into a hug, stroking my hair with his hand to calm me down.

"Okay I promise I won't." he mumbled into my hair, kissing the side of my head. I sat with him and cried into his shoulder, until my tears stopped falling. My eyes were puffy and bloodshot, and my vision was still blurry. I probably look like a right state.

"I love you." I muttered into his shirt. Edmund sighed and pulled out of the hug.

"I love you too."

Later on, I saw Eustace walking around the ship, looking very lost

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Later on, I saw Eustace walking around the ship, looking very lost. I followed him with my eyes, as he went in and out each of the indoor rooms of the ship.

"Go check on him will you Reep?" I asked looking between the mouse and Eustace. Reepicheep bowed his head and scampered after the lost boy. 

A few minutes later, Eustace frantically ran out with a large knife in his hand, bumping into everything he passed. I watched in curiosity, as Reepicheep followed after him, slicing into Eustace's shirt to retrieve an orange with the tip of his sword. Eustace swung his knife, and Reepicheep laughed in glee, passing the orange to Drinian. 

For the first few strikes Eustace swung clumsily, like he was drunk, but as the fight went on his stance got better and he was more accurate. Reepicheep pretended to trip over the side of the boat, and Eustace rushed forwards in a panic. Awwww he does care! Reepicheep appeared behind Eustace and kicked him over, sending him barreling into a group of baskets, knocking them all over. A scream was emitted from the baskets, alarming Lucy enough to investigate the sound. 

"Look." Lucy pointed out a small body crawling out of the basket, which was Gael. 

"Gael? What are you doing here?" Rhince, her father, asked in confusion. Everyone stared at the interaction in silence, unsure of how to react. Rhince pulled her into a hug and Drinian stepped forwards. He better not throw her off this boat

"Look like we have an extra crew member." he remarked quietly. He kindly offered her the orange that Eustace stole earlier, and she took it shyly. 

"Welcome aboard." Lucy welcomed, taking an immediate liking to the small girl.

"Your majesty." Gael curtsied politely. 

"Call me Lucy, come on." she beckoned her into the boat. The men were sent back to work on the boat and the large chunk of drama was forgotten. 

(A/N Hope you enjoyed the chapter don't forget to vote xx)

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