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"I believe the world is one big family, and we need to help each other." - Jet Li.

We all sat in the same boat, heading towards the silent island. My nerves were rising quickly as we approached, something wasn't right. Sensing this, Edmund grabbed my hand and rubbed soothing circles on the back of it, it didn't really help, but I was grateful. As we came to a stop at the docks, Edmund helped me out of the boat, like the gentleman he is.

"Couldn't this wait until morning?" Eustace moaned from the back of the boat. 

"There is no honour in turning away from adventure, lad." Reepicheep told him. 

I made my way towards Caspian, only to slip on some water that was dribbled over the docks. I scrunched my eyes close and shot my arms out to stop my fall, but nothing came. I peeked one eye open to see Edmund holding onto my waist, steadying me. 

"Is it just me getting a sense of Deja Vu from our first time in Narnia?" he asked playfully. I almost laughed at the memory. 

"Shut up, it's not my fault that I'm slightly clumsy." I grumbled, he smirked at me. 

"Slightly might be a bit of an understatement." he laughed. I playfully shoved him and he quickly returned it.

"Listen, where is everyone?" Lucy asked rhetorically, cutting off our argument.

"It's like the place has been abandoned." I added, looking around. A clatter made us turn around to see Eustace falling out of the boat, onto the floor. 

"And you're certain he's related by blood?" Caspian asked.

"I've learnt not to question it." I added smiling at Caspian. The Pevensie siblings looked back at their cousin slightly embarrassed to be related to him. 

We made our way into the centre of the town, still nothing. A loud bell from the bell tower, broke the silence, scaring me enough to jump towards Edmund out of instinct. He smiled at the action, rubbing his hand up and down my arm in comfort. Everyone looked towards the bell tower.

"Reepicheep, stay here with Drinian's men and secure the place, we'll head on, if we don't come back by dawn, send a party." Caspian ordered, as we headed in the direction of the bell tower, swords drawn.

Getting further into the town, I got the eerie feeling that we were being watched, it sent a shiver down my spine. 

"Yeah, it looks like nobody's in, so do you think we should head back?" Eustace asked quickly, obviously lying. Edmund rolled his eyes.

"Help him." I whispered to Edmund, trying to get him to aid his confused and clearly terrified cousin. 

"Why?" he moaned, turning to face me.

"Because it's his first time in Narnia, he is clearly terrified, I know I didn't react quite like this when I first arrived, but I had the stories you told me to go off of, he's walking into this blind. I know you may not think you like him, but he's your cousin, he probably means more to you than you realise." I lectured in a whisper. Edmund sighed, turning back to face Eustace.

"Do you want to come here and... guard... something?" Edmund asked hesitating with his words, as if he were unsure, I gave him a reassuring smile. Eustace's face lit up.

"Ah, yes good idea cousin, very logical." Eustace agreed running over to us from the other side of the square. We all walked towards the door, but turned back to see Eustace waiting for an instruction. Sighing, I went up to him and handed him a dagger. He looked rather surprised by the weapon. "I've got it, I've got it, don't worry." he claimed. Right now I'm not feeling very reassured. 

Finally walking inside, we saw that the interior was dark and unwelcoming, bells ominously hung from the ceiling. 

"I'm ready to go when you are." Eustace called from the door. In the middle of the room was a stand of books, with one large book opened. On the pages were names and numbers, with a few of them crossed out. Well this is cheery.

"Who are all these people?" Lucy asked, as Edmund shone his torch at the page, so we could see it better. 

"Why've they been crossed out?" Edmund asked, squinting at the book. 

"Because there wasn't enough room circling." I remarked. Edmund playfully rolled his eyes. "It looks like some kind of fee." I noted, looking at the book. 

"Slave traders." Caspian deduced, at this revelation, the bells started ringing and the slave traders dropped down from the roof. I lunged at two of them, the first I kicked over with ease, and the second I fought, our swords clashing like thunder. We pushed our swords together, wrestling over his sword, until a very high-pitched scream made us look towards the door. The leader of the slave traders came in with Eustace, the knife I gave him to his neck. I really liked that dagger. We all glared at him.

"Unless you want to hear this one squeal like a girl again, I say you should drop your weapons." he advised, walking towards us.

"Like a girl?" Eustace asked horrified. He gasped, as he was brought closer to the knife. 

"Now!" he ordered. We all threw our swords to the floor in frustration.

"Eustace." Edmund said, his annoyance clear in his voice.

"Put them in irons." the leader ordered, grabbing onto Eustace's ear. 

"Get your hands off me!" Lucy shouted. After that, I was grabbed and put into handcuffs. Apparently, they didn't trust the handcuffs at all, and kept a firm grasp on my arms.

"I suggest you remove your hands from me, while you still have hands." I threatened, they stepped back at this, and I smirked at the small victory, but it was short lived. 

"Lets take these three to market, send those two to the dungeons. 

"Listen to me, you insolent fool, I am your king!" Caspian shouted, fighting to get to us. Edmund struggled in the arms of his guards, earning a slap to the face.

"Edmund!" I shouted to him, worriedly. "DON'T YOU DARE SLAP HIM!" I shouted angrily at the men around him, still fighting against the grips of the men around me. I managed to break free and tried to run to him. Another trader stepped out of the shadows, grabbing my arm, stopping me from moving. He looked towards me and forcefully grabbed my jaw, tilting my head, so he could get a good look at my face. He gripped it so tightly I was sure it would bruise. 

"Such a pretty girl, she'll sell nicely, won't she boys?" he asked. They all laughed in agreement. My eyes widened at that, they were going to prostitute me off to random men. My fear-filled eyes met Edmund's and his contorted into one of rage.

"You'll pay for that!" he spat, fighting to get to me. The man holding my jaw finally let go and smirked.

"Actually, someone else is going to pay, for all of you." he smirked, giving the order. The men dragged Eustace, Lucy and I towards the door, and Edmund and Caspian further into the building.

"No, Edmund!" Lucy screamed frantically. 

"Edmund, Caspian!" I shouted, struggling against the grips of the people pulling me away from them.

"Lucy! Arabella!" Edmund shouted back to us, struggling just as much, but it didn't work. Our pleads probably ringing through the islands, I wouldn't be surprised if the crew heard us from the boats, but no such luck. After what felt like hours of struggling, I could feel my body starting to shut down from exhaustion. My eyes grew heavy and my limbs dropped. After that, it all went black.

(A/N Hope you enjoyed the chapter don't forget to vote xx)

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