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"Greed is a bottomless pit which exhausts the person in an endless effort to satisfy the need without ever reaching satisfaction." - Erich Fromm

When I woke up Edmund was fast asleep. I looked over his face as he slept. This was the most peaceful he'd ever been. I couldn't help but smile at the relaxed look on hi face.

"I know you're staring." he mumbled to me, nearly making me fall out of the hammock at the sudden voice. He peeked his eye open and grinned at my surprised state. I mean he wasn't wrong.

"I wasn't staring, I was merely admiring the view." I quickly pointed out, trying to correct him. Edmund laughed and turned his body to face mine.

"Is that so? So is the view up to your standards?" he asked with a smirk. 

"It couldn't get any better." I remarked, pecking his lips, and leaning into his chest. 

"I could get used to this." he sighed, wrapping his arms around my waist. I looked up to his face.

"Get used to what?" I questioned, slightly confused. He chuckled and brought his face closer to mine, so our noses were touching. 

"Waking up next to you, the love of my life." he answered honestly. I bit my lip, as I felt my cheeks start to heat up, like someone started a bonfire on my face. I hummed in agreement, and he rested his forehead against mine, and we just stared into each other's eyes. Suddenly, a pillow came flying our way, we only just had enough time to dodge it. 

"Remember what I said about the lovey-dovieness. Also get up, it's nearly lunch time, a lot of the crew are wondering where you are." Caspian scolded. I rolled my eyes and rolled out of the hammock onto the floor, both Caspian and Edmund watched me in amusement.

"Yes mum." I quipped sarcastically. Edmund and Caspian smiled at my small form on the floor. "Now help me up." I said, stretching out both of my hands for them to grab.

"You're so high maintenance." Caspian stated, as watched me on the floor. I gasped in fake hurt, putting a hand over my heart.

"High maintenance? Definitely, now pass me my crown peasants." I laughed playfully in a posh accent. Edmund and Caspian laughed at my voice. Since they didn't help me up, I used the hammock to steady myself, glaring at them. I pushed past them onto the deck. I smiled and shook my head, as I heard them still laughing inside the room.

I was in a boat with Edmund, Caspian, Lucy, Eustace and a few crew members rowing towards the next island we came across. 

"I doubt the Lords stopped here my liege, there's no sign of anything living." Reepicheep noted from the next boat over. 

"Right, well once we get ashore take your men and search for food and water, the four of us will look for clues." Caspian replied almost immediately. He wasn't going to skip the island from first glance.

"Hang on, you mean the five of us." Eustace interjected from the back of the boat. Everyone stopped what they were doing to look back at him. I raised my brow. "Come on please don't send me back to the rat." he begged, shaking his head.

"I heard that!" Reep called from the other boat. Eustace dropped his head.

"Big ears." he muttered under his breath. 

"I heard that too!" Reep called again. We all laughed lightly, continuing to row to shore. 

We walked along the dry land, I was ahead of the group, too busy looking at the landscape to notice the gaping hole just before my feet. I slipped, letting out a small, surprised scream and nearly fell straight to the bottom, if I hadn't held on to the edge. Lucy, Caspian and Edmund raced over and helped me out. 

Somewhere Only We Know | Edmund Pevensie {2}Where stories live. Discover now