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"It's cool. I've recently connected with old friends and we catch up." - Ranae Crouch.

I got dressed again into something different. Thanks again for that Ed. Caspian lead Lucy, Edmund and I into a private quarter. We all looked around in awe. On the walls, were the Pevensies' belongings: Peter's sword, Susan's arrows and more. A golden plate of Aslan's face sat proudly on the wall. 

"Aslan." Lucy commented, looking at the plate. She smiled, touching the Lion's face. "Look, Susan's bow and arrows." she continued, as we all ventured further into the room. 

"Lucy." Caspian called her, fetching a small box from a cupboard. 

"My healing cordial and dagger." she said, going to take the small things from the box, but then she hesitated. "Oh, may I?" she asked him. 

"Of course, they're yours." Caspian told her. Quickly, she took the box, removing her belongings.

"Peter's sword." Edmund noted, from the edge of the room. 

"Yes, looked after as promised, here hold it if you wish." Caspian offered. Holding the sword out to him.

"No no it's yours, Peter gave it to you." Edmund denied, I heard a tinge of jealousy in his voice. I went up to him and grabbed his hand to calm him down. He smiled down at me a look of gratitude on his face. "I did save this for you though." Caspian continued, a mischievous smile painted on his face. He went into the glass cupboard behind him and retrieved Edmund's torch. I laughed at the thing that we had left by accident so long ago. He chucked it to Edmund.

"Thanks." Edmund said turning on the torch, to see if it worked, but he pointed it towards his face, binding himself.

"Glad to see you've not changed and you're still a dork." I teased him. He smirked at me.

"Glad to see you're still short." he retorted. I gasped, putting a hand over my heart, as if he struck me.

"I'm not short, I'm just fun-sized." I replied, they all laughed at me not thinking of anything better to say. 

Caspian went to the cupboard again, and revealed the sword that I used in Narnia the last time, it was the perfect size and weight for me. He gave it to me, and I put it in a sheath on my belt. He then lead us into another room, a map room to be specific. The Captain, Drinian joined us in there.

"After you left, we all got settled in nicely, a couple of Narnian and Telmarine parties lots and lots of speeches-" 

"Can you please get to the point, or I'll hit you with my shoe." I interrupted, we don't need to hear your life story Caspian. Caspian gave me a blank look, and Edmund and Lucy were trying to hold back grins. He moved to the map.

"The giants of the North have surrendered unconditionally, then we defeated the Caliman army in the great desert, there's peace across all of Narnia." he finally explained gesturing to different parts.

"Peace?" Edmund repeated in disbelief.

"In just three years." Caspian continued proudly.

"And have you found yourself a queen in those three years?" Lucy asked innocently, tucking some hair behind her ear. Where the hell is this coming from? Caspian looked up for a second.

"No, not one to compare with your sister." he explained with a shy smile. 

"Blimey, get a girlfriend Caspian." I said jokingly, at this Lucy giggled and Edmund stifled a laugh. Caspian shook his head, but still grinned. Drinian looked shocked that I could get away with saying things like this, but I didn't care, he can glare into the side of my head all he wants. Seriously, I think I can feel him burning his way through my skull

"Hang on, so if there are no wars to fight, and no one's in trouble, then why are we here?" Edmund asked. My thoughts exactly.

"It's a good question, I've been asking myself the same thing." Caspian replied. Woah, we're so in sync today. 

"So where are we sailing to?" Edmund questioned, his eyes darting around the map. 

"Before I took back the throne from my uncle, he tried to kill my father's closest friends and most loyal supporters." he started, turning to face, seven drawings of different men. "The seven Lords of Telmar, they fled to the Lone Islands, no one's heard from them since." he continued, gesturing to the small islands in the middle of the map. Edmund looked between the maps and the drawings.

"So you think something's happened to them?" he asked to see if he was right. Caspian face held a sad look.

"Well, if it has, it's my duty to find out." he announced in a quiet voice. 

"Well what's East of the Lone Islands?" Lucy asked, pointing to a blank spot.

"Uncharted waters, things you could barely imagine, tales of sea serpents." Drinian spoke up for the first time. I kind of forgot he was even there.

"Sea serpents?" Edmund asked to see if he was serious, a look of disbelief prominent on his features. 

"Really Ed? We're in Narnia a land of talking animals and mythical creatures, and sea serpents surprise you?" I asked in even more disbelief.

"Alright Captain, that's enough of your tall tales." Caspian intercepted, before the conversation could get out of hand. Taking a bite out of an apple.

"I bet you there's sea serpents." I exclaimed to Edmund, he still doubted it though.

"I'm not so sure, I mean come on sea serpents." he tried to convince me.

"Alright, we'll make a bet, if I win you have to plan a date and take me on it, when you return, and you can decide what you want if you win." I wagered. Edmund smirked, as I held out my hand. Stepping up to the challenge, he shook my hand, pulling me closer to him, as it came to an end.

"I hope you're prepared for what I get when I win." he whispered in my ear confidently, his breath tickling the side of my head, going down my neck making me shiver, before walking past me. I stood there shocked, would I mind if he won now? Not really, but I really want to win. I walked back out onto the deck, regaining my posture. Where on Earth was this side of Edmund coming from, leave a teenage boy alone with his sister and annoying cousin for five months that's what you get, but I didn't mind. I quite enjoyed it ;).

(A/N Hope you enjoyed the chapter don't forget to vote xx)

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