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"Love people enough to tell them the truth. Respect them enough to know they can handle it." - Iyanla Vanzant.

When I woke up morning had already come. Lucy, Eustace and I were chained to the wall by our necks, with handcuffs on. I tried to squeeze my hands out, as we watched a man, followed by a little girl try to get to someone on a cart. 

"Don't worry, I'll find you." he shouted after the cart. We watched in horror as the cart rolled around the corner out of sight. Lucy turned back to me and looked down at my hands, her face twisted to one of horror.

"Arabella, stop you're bleeding." she told me. I looked down to see I was indeed bleeding, I had completely forgotten I was trying to get out. Seeing as my attempts were useless, I stopped trying, as Lucy was pulled up to be put on sale.

"I bid 60!" someone shouted from the audience. 

"I bid 80!"

"100 for the little lady!" 



"Anymore bids?" the slave traders asked after a moment of silence. "Sold!" These people are disgusting, no one deserves to put up with this. Lucy was sold, squealing as someone roughly pushed her towards her bidder. I was brought up next. "Starting off at 100!" the slave trader announced gripping my arm tightly. 



"210 for the pretty lady!"

"I bid 250!" 

That was the last one and I was sold. Honestly, I'm surprised people are willing to pay that much for me, I don't know whether I should be flattered or disgusted, I'm gonna go with the latter. Eustace was shoved onto the platform, his lip quivering in fear.

"And now for this fine specimen, who'll kick off the bidding?" the crowd was silent. I almost felt bad for him. Almost. "Come on now, he may not look like much, but he's strong." the slave trader hesitated, trying to find the right words.

"He's strong alright, smells like the rear end of a minotaur." the crowd laughed. Eustace looked up, feeling offended.

"That is an outrageous lie, I won the school hygiene award two years running." he defended himself. You tell them Eustace. Half of the crowd laughed and the other half looked slightly impressed by his outburst. 

"Come on, someone make a bid!" the head trader complained. One man in a blue cloak stepped forwards.

"I'll take them off your hands, I'll take them all off your hands, FOR NARNIA!" Reepicheep shouted, all of the men dropping their cloaks to reveal the ship's crew. I've never been more relieved to see Drinian. 

I sprung into action, slamming my head back into my captor, I then tripped him over and kicked him in the head, knocking him out. I rushed forwards and grabbed my sword and dagger from the side. Just as I put them into place, Reepicheep came over and undid my handcuffs with his sword.

"Thanks Reep!" I shouted, before fighting the head slave trader, hitting him over and over with the pots and pans lined up on a table nearby, probably stolen from some poor villager. After a while, the locals joined in the fight, using whatever they could find as a weapon. I looked around for Eustace to see if he needed help, but saw he had already run for the hills. Bloody chicken. After a while, we defeated all of the slave traders and regrouped. 

When I saw Edmund, I quickly ran to him, hugging him tightly. 

"I thought we lost you, I'm so glad you're alright!" Edmund exclaimed, squeezing me tighter, I felt safe in his arms, like nothing could ever harm me.

"I'm not going anywhere anytime soon, I love you too much." I told him, looking him dead in the eye, so he knew I was serious. Lucy and Caspian coughed awkwardly off to the side.

"I'm feeling so left out, your best friends, stood right here, love you too!" Lucy shouted, gesturing to herself and Caspian. I giggled and ran towards them, pulling Edmund behind me, so we could have a big group hug. 

As we walked through the town, the locals cheered for our victory. I walked proudly at the front, clasping Edmund's hand in my own. 

"I wonder how much Caspian and I would have sold for?" he asked rhetorically. I snapped my gaze up to him.

"Probably more than Lucy and I. Lucy was sold for £150 and I was sold for £250, but you'd be more valuable because you're strong." I explained. Edmund tightened his grip on my hand and clenched his jaw, when I told him what we were sold for. I quickly decided to change the subject. "Anyway let's not dwell on it, I'd rather not remember it." I continued.

"Agreed." Edmund nodded, cutting off the conversation.

"Your majesty, your majesty!" the man, who was trying to get to the cart earlier came out of the crowd, approaching Caspian quickly shouted. Drinian stood like a wall, not letting him get any closer. "My wife was taken just this morning!" he shouted. That's who he must've been shouting to. The little girl was stood just behind him.

""It's alright Drinian." Caspian said, letting the man get closer.

"I beg you, take me with you." he pleaded.

"Daddy!" the little girl shouted, pulling on her father's sleeve.

"Gael!" another woman shouted after the little girl, who I assume was Gael.

"I want to come!" Gael begged, standing in front of her father. 

"No Gael, stay with your aunt." he told her. "I'm a fine sailor, been on the seas my whole life." he listed, trying to convince Caspian.

"Of course, you must." Caspian agreed. We walked down back to the docks, I turned back around to see Lucy jogging to catch up with us. Edmund looked down at me happily, until his eyes wandered over my wrists, and he frowned. Oh I forgot about that. He held my wrist up and inspected the cuts from the handcuffs, as well as the bruising.

"What happened?" he asked quietly, knowing full well what happened, the concern shining through his eyes.

"It's nothing." I denied, trying to pull my wrist out of his view, but he kept a firm grip on it, he caressed the marks gently with his thumb, and I winced at the contact. He let go of my wrist and held my hand, letting me put my head on his arm as we walked. 

"My King! My king!" Lord Bern shouted. Turns out Caspian and Edmund met one of the Lords in the dungeons they were kept in overnight. He was stood in front of us, with a sword encrusted in scallops. "This was given to me by your father, I hid it safely in a cave all these years." he explained. Edmund looked closely at it.

"That's an old Narnian sword!" he exclaimed, looking it up and down. 

"It's from your Golden Age. There are seven such swords from Aslan to protect Narnia, your father entrusted them to us, here take it and may it protect you." Lord Bern continued, giving the sword to Caspian. The crowd cheered as Caspian took it in his hands, looking it up and down. 

"Thank you my Lord, and we shall find your lost sisters." Caspian promised, "Edmund." he said, grabbing the boy's attention. He passed the sword to Edmund. Edmund took it proudly, holding it up. I grinned happily at the interaction, Eustace just looked a bit confused, but what else is new? We re-entered the ship, ready to sail the seas, continuing our journey.

Edmund pulled me into a room with a small, rectangular box in his hand. He opened it to reveal a first-aid kit. I rolled my eyes and stood up to leave, only to be picked up by Edmund and placed on a counter.

"Edmund, you really don't have to do this, I'm fine." I tried to reassure him, but he wasn't listening. Gently, he pushed up my sleeve and inspected the cuts on my wrists, slowly wrapping them up. When he was finished, he grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers, gently kissing over the fabric of the bandage.

"There all better." he whispered gently. I smiled at him and moved my hand out of his, towards his face, to caress his cheek. He leaned into my touch and stared right into my eyes. His dark chocolate orbs searching my soul. Slowly, we both leaned in, to be interrupted by a knock at the door. I swear someone always has to ruin my moments alone with him.

(A/N Hope you enjoyed the chapter don't forget to vote xx)

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