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"The secret of the creative life is to feel at ease with your own embarrassment." - Paul Schrader. 

Caspian, Edmund and I made our way around the ship, my hand entwined with Edmund's the whole way around. After a while, Edmund and Caspian decided to duel on the boat, so I decided to stand by Lucy and chat, while I was watching. 

"So, how was it in Cambridge?" I asked Lucy, Edmund and Caspian's swords clattering together. I watched in awe, Edmund had become a better swordsman since I last saw him, in all honesty I couldn't stop staring at him. Lucy giggled at my concentration.

"I'd say it was fine, but two things kept bugging me, one being Edmund kept trying to sign up for the war, and the other was Ed was worried you'd fall in love with someone better while we were there." she explained. My mouth turned down at both of these statements, I turned away from the fight, to face the water. 

"Why would Edmund think that?" I asked myself. Suddenly, a pair of arms wrapped around my waist. Speak of the devil.

"Talking about me?" he asked innocently, I could hear his smirk in his voice.

"In your dreams Pevensie." I shot back, the heat growing on my face.

"How'd you know?" he asked cheekily. I huffed in amusement, my blush only growing. I turned in his arms to face him.

"Hate you." I mumbled, crossing my arms. Edmund leaned down and pecked my lips.

"No you don't." he corrected, I couldn't really argue with him there. "So was there anyone else?" he asked. I looked at him surprised, he had been listening in. Cheeky bastard.

"Well, if you count when I politely declined Lucas by kneeing him in the groin, slapping him in the face and kicking his shin when he tried to kiss me, then sure people tried, but I love you, so you're the only one for me." I explained. Edmund grinned, mumbling something along the lines of 'that's my girl' into my hair, before Lucy coughed, breaking us apart. Someone passed Edmund a drink, he quickly thanked them, gulping it thirstily. 

"Edmund, do you think if we keep sailing to the end of the world we'll just tip off the edge?" she questioned with a laugh. 

"Don't worry, Lu we're a long way from there." Edmund reassured her, wrapping his arm around my waist, as Eustace climbed out the bottom of the boat. 

"I see you're still talking nonsense the two of you." he announced, wiping the dirt off his trousers.

"You're cousin sounds delightful." I muttered to Edmund and Lucy, Edmund nodded.

"Are you feeling better?" Lucy asked, her patience wearing thin.

"Yes, no thanks to you, it's like I have an iron constitution." Eustace complained. I sighed heavily, this was going to be a long trip.

"As effervescent as ever I see. Find your sea legs?" Reepicheep asked, appearing at the side of us.

"Never lost them, just dealing with the shock of things, mother says I have an acute disposition due to my intelligence." Eustace argued. Edmund choked on his drink at this, and Lucy and I tried to stifle our laughs. This is when Eustace finally acknowledged my presence.

"Who are you?" Eustace asked rudely, eyeing Edmund's arm around my waist.

"I'm Arabella, Edmund's girlfriend." I explained, his look of confusion turned to one of disgust.

"Oh, you're the one Edmund keeps moaning about in his sleep, I thought he made you up" Eustace revealed. Edmund choked on his water again, as I turned to him with a raised eyebrow. Edmund didn't say a word, only looked down to his cup in embarrassment. He wasn't denying it.

"I suppose I am." I mumbled. 

"As soon as we find civilisation I'll be contacting British council, having you all arrested for kidnapping." Eustace spoke up, walking away from his cousins and straight into Caspian.

"Kidnapping is it? That's funny, I thought we saved your life." Caspian commented, crossing his arms. Eustace's lip quivered, as he took a step back.

"You held me against my will!" he complained. Reepicheep let out a loud laugh, and Caspian looked at him questioningly. Eustace kept complaining about the hygiene of the boat and his sleeping quarters.

"He's quite the complainer isn't he?" Reepicheep observed. 

"He's just warming up." Edmund expressed, an unimpressed look on his face. 

"Land ho!" the watch out shouted from the top of the boat. I looked out to the boat, to see a small island in the distance.

"Finally." I called out in relief. I need to get off this ship.

By the time the sun started to set and the colours in the sky started to look like a breath taking mix of yellow, pink and orange, we arrived close enough to see the island clearly.

"The Lone Islands, the port of Narrowhaven." Drinian explained

"Strange." Caspian noted, looking through the telescope. "Not a Narnian flag in sight." he told the rest of us. I looked through the scope to see he was right, it looked like a ghost town.

"But the Lone Islands have always been Narnia's." Edmund announced in confusion, when I passed him the telescope to look. 

"Seems suspicious." Drinian dictated. I swear all he says is very short serious sentences.

"I say we prepare a landing party Drinian?" Edmund asked Drinian to approve his answer. 

"Forgive me, your majesty, but the chain of commands start with King Caspian on this ship." Drinian explained. Oof. I could feel the tension in the air rising. 

"Right." Edmund said plainly. I intertwined our fingers, to comfort him. Caspian let out a few commands to the men, all of them springing into action. I dragged Edmund to get a sword from the armoury. He looked quite angry, as he was putting all of his gear on.

"Edmund, are you okay?" I asked worriedly. Edmund ignored the question as he finished gearing up. He walked over to me, and pressed his lips to mine and kept his hands on my waist, smiling into the kiss. 

"I am now." he commented, striding past me. Something is definitely wrong with him, but why won't he tell me?

(A/N Hope you enjoyed the chapter don't forget to vote xx)

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