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"Real strength is not just a condition of one's muscle, but a tenderness in one's spirit." - Mcallister Dodds

The sea serpent's head flew over the edge of the boat, wrapping around it, constricting it. 

"Ed! 'Bells! We ram the serpent, smash him on the rocks!" Caspian explained his plan, as he steered the boat. 

"Steer it to port, I'll keep it on the prow." Edmund shouted back. He then quickly pulled me out of the serpents line, as it lunged again. I helped him get to the prow, to distract the serpent. 

"Edmund just be careful, please!" I shouted after him. Edmund didn't answer, and only nodded in response. 

"Try and kill me come on, come on I'm here!" I heard him taunt the beast. 

"Edmund!" I shouted at him. The sea serpent lunged fixing its jaw around where Edmund was. 

"Ed!" I screeched, scared he had died. 

"No!" Lucy screamed.

"Edmund!" Caspian yelled. Luckily, I saw Edmund climbing to get to higher ground, ready to taunt the sea monster again. Lucy shot it right in the eye with Susan's bow and arrows, and Edmund jumped off the prow, as we rammed the serpent on the rocks. Edmund landed harshly at my feet, and I helped him up. The serpent then split open to reveal millions of legs inside of it, twitching in a jittery way. It kind of looked like a dissected millipede. 

"Jesus, I think I need to bleach my eyes out with holy water." I muttered to myself upon seeing it. It looked ready to dive straight at Edmund, and he was just staring at it. 

"Ed, move!" I yelled, tackling him out of the way of the monster. Grabbing my sword, I chopped one of it's arms off, making it retreat and the arm dissolve into mist. 

"We can beat this!" Caspian said, seeing that it could be harmed. 

"We have to get it closer." Edmund announced, standing up to fight it again. 

"Ready the harpoons!" Caspian called. I grabbed one and watched worriedly as Edmund expertly swung on a rope and climbed the rigging. I then lined up with the rest of the men. "Ready?" Caspian asked his men, looking over them. "Now!" he shouted, simultaneously, we all threw our harpoons at the beast, making it recoil. 

"Pull it's head down!" I shouted to the men. Pulling at my own rope, with all my might. Caspian grabbed onto my rope and helped me pull it.

"Heave!" he called out to everyone. We pulled it, so it's head was in line with Edmund. One of the harpoons snapped, sending some of the men into the monster, killing them with it's many legs. The bright blue glow of Edmund's sword caught my attention. 

"Edmund!" I yelled up to him, this drew Caspian's attention to Edmund also. 

"Do it!" Caspian yelled up to Edmund. The sea serpent lunged at Edmund, nearly biting down on him, only to be stabbed in the roof of the mouth by Edmund. Light blue lightning crackled around the sea serpent, and it fell lifelessly into the sea. Beams of light broke through the dark fog of Dark Island. 

"The spell, it's lifting." Lucy announced, looking over the clearer landscape. "Edmund! Caspian! look." Lucy shouted. I turned to Edmund, to see him climbing down the rigging, back on to the deck. The sky clearing really was a beautiful sight. Once Edmund finally came down, I ran up to him and hugged him tightly. Kissing him passionately, so grateful he was alive. He ran his hand through my hair and returned the kiss. It wasn't only because he was alive though. We had defeated the evil, so we were no longer needed in Narnia, meaning I wouldn't be able to see him, until he returned from Cambridge, and who knows how long that will be. I broke the kiss.

"I believe you owe me a date, I won the bet, there are sea serpents

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"I believe you owe me a date, I won the bet, there are sea serpents. So better spend these next few months planning." I whispered to him. Edmund rolled his eyes, but hugged me anyway.

"Fine, I'll take you on a planned out date, when I get back." he sighed, but I could tell he secretly wanted to. 

"Narnians! Narnians!" a crew member called our attention to the many Narnians on boat drifting out of the fog. 

Gael and Rhince looked hopefully out into the fog, trying to see if their wife and mother were there. 


"Helaine!" They both shouted upon seeing the person they were both looking for. Gael jumped into the water, quickly followed by Rhince, and they swam towards the boat. Edmund and I walked over to Lucy, and he put both of his arms around us comfortingly, as we watched the scene unfold. I would be lying if I said I didn't miss my mum.

"Let's help them onboard!" Caspian shouted to his men

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"Let's help them onboard!" Caspian shouted to his men. "Clear the decks." I released Edmund and hugged Caspian tightly, and he happily returned it. I pulled back and put one arm over Lucy and one over Caspian, making us all one big chain.

"We did it." Lucy exclaimed happily. 

"I knew we would." I admitted next to her. 

"It wasn't just us though." Edmund commented, looking at us all. 

"You mean-" Caspian was cut off by a yell from the water.

"Hey! Hey! I'm down here, Arabella! Over here! Lucy I'm in the water Lucy, Arabella!" I moved towards the voice to see Eustace as a boy again swimming in the beautiful blue ocean. 

"Eustace!" I called happily glad to see him alright. 

"I'm a boy again, I'm a boy!" he yelled gleefully. Reepicheep came to the edge of the boat to see what the fuss was about.

"Eustace I see your wings have been clipped!" he yelled joyfully, jumping in to join the boy. We all laughed at his enthusiasm. "Where the sky and water meet, and the waves grow ever sweet." he sung, pausing to drink the sea water. "It is sweet, it's sweet!" he announced from the waves. "Look, look!" he urged to us making us look at the horizon, to see a small beach. 

"What is that?" I asked turning towards Caspian.

"Aslan's country. We must be close." Caspian told us all.

"Well, we've come this far." Edmund urged us all. 

(A/N Hope you enjoyed the chapter don't forget to vote xx)

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