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Bucks pov
When we left that little perfect house I noticed the way she looked at the city and how with her eyes fixed on the sky or the ground she knew where she was going. We turned and she quickly turned into a cafe and we walked to the kitchen in a thick Italian accent a man said
" my Ruby "
" pops "
She gave him a hug then looked at me
" who's this "
" pops this is my husband Buck "
I put out my hand and he moved it to hug me and the smile grew on her face and when he let go he said
" oh the boys are on a delivery they'll be so happy to see you I didn't tell them "
She laughed a little
" ok mind if I grab a snack "
" no no, get what you want "
The old man walked away and she brought me back out to and she grabbed two deserts and we sat down at a table she said
" ok so you've meet pops and Aurora I suppose I should tell you how this happened "
" Are they part of your family "
" no I meet her on the plain and you saw it I get to know people fast on a plain anyway she's from the states and she moved here to live with her grandpa and she invited me to meet him and well we see how that went oh and the boys are two kids he took in from less then ideal situations their names are Luca and Salvatore there 17 and 18 if I remember correctly "
The man came out from the kitchen and said
" my tesoro can you please take this to Juliet "
He had a bag she got up and took it
" yeah is she till in the same place "
" yes "
He went back and she finished her pastry quickly then grabbed the black bag and we were off. With the bag on her arm and her other hand holding mine, she walked and told me about the places we passed and soon we arrived at a typical home in this part of the city and she went up the few stairs and knocked on the door. A few moments later an old woman opened the door
" oh my jem "
She pulled her into a hug and she said
" the same order I see "
" yes well you know me "
" have a good day Jul "
" you two my jem "
She walked down the few steps and said
" she calls me that because she couldn't remember Ruby "

Ruby's pov
When we got here he seemed to loosen up because this place is like a whole nother world and when he met them he seemed to light up. I swear this place is magic it has the power to bring back the easy life. On the walk back to the house I stopped and got the things I needed to make dinner for them. He was sat at the small island watching me and quiet classical music filled the air I said
" get over here and help me "
He listened with a big smile and I showed him how to make Fettuccine
" ok why two different kinds of cheese "
" more ... depth "
A few minutes later the door opened
" what smells so good Aurora "
I could tell it was Luca who said that and when they turned the corner and came into the kitchen he yelled
" RUBY "
He quickly came over and hugged me and a few seconds later Salvatore came over and hugged me. They both let go and stepped back a little Luca said
" who's this "
" Boys this is my husband Buck "
He put his hold out
" oh come on man "
They both gave him a hug
" ok ok don't kill him you two "
" oh ok pops said he'll be late tonight "
" ok Ummm Aurora "
The door opened and closed
" I'm here "
She said as she put her stuff down then came into the kitchen
" did you make it because I've missed yours so much we can't figure out what you do "
I shrugged
" you may never know "
" oh and if I told you I'd have to kill you "
She started to laugh and I started to get the plates put together. We sat down at the table and Luca said
" so buck what do you do "
" oh I'm a firefighter "
" you sure know how to pick em tall, strong and hot "
He said looking at Buck
" hey hey back off he's mine remember "
Salvatore just gave him a look then said
" oh my god we forgot to ask what you do Ruby "
He was trying to change the subject so it wasn't awkward
" firefighter we work at the same station actually"
" yeah she even purposed to me there "
" you asked him "
Aurora said with a fake surprised look on her face
" well that explains why you have on what a gray rubber ring "
" hey I do have a fancy ring I just haven't gotten it out of my bag yet gee you're so demanding "

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