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Luckily we were able to get two days off in a row and Karen could watch Jake for a few hours so we have some quiet time. We decided to go out for a fancy meal when we picked Jake up. I guess Buck told them it was our anniversary so they brought out a slice of cake before I took a bite I said
" happy one year "
" disgusting "
A woman said at the table across from us and scoffed
" sorry "
I said putting the fork down turning towards the woman a little
" it's so gross that you had a kid before you got married how old is he "
" he's 10 but that's beside the point "
" that's horrible how can you love a kid that's not yours from a woman you don't know who the real dad is "
" miss our life is non of your business but since you felt ever so inclined to comment on it just because he's not OURS biologically doesn't mean we can't love him, all the same, you don't know anything you don't have a right to respond to my husband and I celebrating being married for a year now when you call 911 for help they don't care about if the kid is yours or not "
" what does that have to do with anything you brat "
" Oh honey I'm a firefighter and that shouldn't change your first idea of me nor should someone's job determine how you treat them now have a good night miss "
The lady got up and left and we finished the cake. We got to the register and the man said
" I'm so sorry for what that woman said she had to right "
" no, I'm sorry for causing a scene "
" don't worry about it "
" ok how much "
I watched as he tapped the screen and said
" we're not going to charge you for your sons' meal "
" oh you sure "
" yes "
He said the total and I paid and the guy said
" thank you by the way for all that you do for the city "
" oh you heard that too "
" yes "
" I shouldn't get all the credit were both firefighters have a good night "
" you as well "
We walked out of the restaurant and Buck put his arm around me and said
" how do you do that "
" what "
" you stay so calm I guess when people question you or do things like the other day you could have gone off on Aeropostale like screaming and stiff but you didn't "
I laughed a little
" I don't feel bad about that name "
And he smiled and I said
" you just have to remember that it's not about you it's about them and there personal life and thing we don't know so I just think instead of making them keep it in and watch a human spontaneously combust why not let them get it out because at the end of the day I probably won't see them again "
" if we went already married I'd ask you right here "
" I asked to remember "
When we got back home we put Jake to bed and as we were walking to our room I said
" God I have to work all day tomorrow and you don't how is that fair "
" hey you get to spend all day with Ember "
" true "
He walked into the bathroom and I got changed and got in bed and as soon as my head hit the pillow I was out.

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