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Bucks pov
I walked out of the locker room and Eddie came running up behind me
" hey hey Buck "
" what's up "
" so umm my Abuela is sick so I have to go see her "
" in Texas right "
" yeah and Christopher "
" We can watch him "
He smiled a little
" no umm I was going to say that he wants to bring his best friend with "
" oh I'll talk to Ruby when I get off and see if she would "
" I want all of you to come with "
" to Texas "
" yeah I don't really have any friends there and I need someone to save me from my family "
" yeah I get it "
" so that's a yes "
" yeah "
The rest of the day was long because there were only two easy calls and she had the day off.

When I got home and walked through the door I was greeted with Ember then Jake ran around the corner and yelled
" dad "
I picked him up and gave him a hug and she walked around the corner and said
" he called me mom when I picked him up "
I set him down and said
" so Eddie asked me something today "
" Texas "
Jake said
" yeah umm he want us all of us to come to Texas with him and Christopher to visit "
She looked at me and I thought for a second that she was going to say no then she said
" well you said yes right "
" yeah "
It was late so we ate and then put Jake to bed. I just walked out of the bathroom and she said
"were at in Texas "
" umm Austin he said "
" when "
" a couple of weeks and we'll be there for almost a week "
" well school gets out the end of next week "
" then that's perfect "
I said as I got in bed and gave her a kiss
" So how was today "
She said I put my head on her cheats
" good we had a car accident and a small backyard fire "
She was running her fingers through my hair and I was out.

Ruby's pov
It was the last day of school and I was able to get off earlier but we made him think we both had to work late. It was 2:40
" ok well I'll be back in a little bit with Jake "
" oh hey can you get Chris "
" yeah ok I'll be back soon "
When I got there I parked and waited on the sidewalk with the rest of the parents. The bell ran and kids ran out and I watched as him and Christopher walked out of the doors and I could tell he saw my car first because his eyes lit up when he looked over and saw me and he ran over and hugged me
" surprised "
" yeah I thought you had to work till 8 "
" nope ... hey Christopher you coming "
He smiled and made his way over to me and gave me a hug and we got in the car. When we got to the station they were both excited
" you ready ok let's go "
They jumped out and ran in I followed quickly behind and Jake was hugging Buck and Eddie was running down the stairs then gave Christopher a big hug. It was nice seeing them all so happy then the bell went off to ruin it all. Buck ran over to me and gave me a kiss
" I'll see you in a little bit "
" ok come on boys let's go celebrate "
" yeah "
They both said and went to get back in my car and I watched as the truck pulled out. I got in and started it and said
" where should we go "
They looked at each other then said
" zoo "
" ok the zoo it is "

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