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Bucks pov
She gave me a kiss then they left
" you said she got hurt not shot "
TK said almost mad I started to straighten things up
" yeah and that doesn't change anything "
" yes it does "
" TK you're the one that wanted to come out for a visit right "
" Yeah but if I would have "
" Trust me she's happy you're here "
" ok "
I looked at the time and it was 8:01 I clocked out and got changed
" you ready to go "
" yeah "
We started to walk out and I gave Ember a kiss on the head and she went upstairs
" wait for aren't you going to bring her home with you "
" oh no umm she stays with Ruby so when she comes home so will Ember trust me she would find her way back here if I took her home "
We got in and drove home.

When I unlocked the door I let TK in and went next door and got Jake
" bye Mrs. K "
" bye Hunny "
We walked back and when I opened the door TK was in the kitchen getting a drink. I looked down and Jake was scared for a second before he remembered him
" Jake "
He said and set down the soda
" TK "
He went over and gave him a hug
"How are you "
" good I just turned 10 "
" last week "
I added. I walked into the living room and said
" do you want to play with Legos "
" yeah "
I turned on the tv and he sat down and started to make things when TK said
" So how are things I mean after she "
" oh umm she seams fine good actually sometimes I don't think she's human you know like I mean we have a new guy and he didn't think women could do this job and well she saved him and she could have torn him apart but she just gave him a nickname "
" oh yeah I think Marjan showed me that "
" wait someone caught it on video "
" yeah look "
He pulled out his phone and after a second he pulled up a video and sure enough someone did get it
" wow I don't think I want to know how many videos are out there of us "
" Buck you do know how people see her right "
" I don't think I follow "
" well at the 126 we all think she's Wonder Woman "
" don't say that to her "
We both laughed and I said
" yeah I get it I often think about how amazing she is "
My phone buzzed
" oh god how did she "
I looked at it and sure enough, it was a text from her and it was a picture of Ember on her back sleeping with her legs in the air and it said ' this is how I found her when we got back '
" oh my god look "
I showed Jake and TK and they both made an aww sound. We just talked for a while and I took a nap. It was about 11:30
" ok should we go do something "
" yes "
" ok want to go to the park "
" yeah "
We were playing on the swings and we saw a fire truck go by
" it's mom "
I looked and sure enough, it was the 118 ladder truck. Jake looked so excited to see her in action
" wonder where there going "
TK said and I shrugged
" don't know "

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