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There was a light tap on my shoulder that pulled me out of my thoughts every one els was asleep. I cleared my through and they started to wake up the nurse smiled and said
" he has some bruising on his chest "
" ok that's probably from the chest compressions I did when he stopped breathing "
" oh ... ok "
She wrote on her clipboard then said
" well we think his fever just go to high and his body didn't know what to do so it started to shut down "
" oh "
" he's stable now and the fever finally broke "
" ok good and my son Jake "
" his fever went up a little when we got him back there but we did what we needed to to get it under control and he's just been sleeping sense "
" ok what rooms are they in "
" oh we were able to put them in the same room with a curtain in between "
" When can I see them "
" unfortunately not tonight we need to run some more test "
" I totally get it to do what you need to "
She smiled and walked back down the hall I couldn't move
" Ruby "
Hen said and I snapped out of it
" what "
" do you want to stay at my house so you're not alone "
" yeah umm can we bring Ember "
" of course "

Hens pov
The nurse went back down the hall and Ruby just stood there looking down the hall for a couple of minutes
" Ruby ... Ruby "
She looked at me
" what "
She said softly
" do you want to stay at my house so you're not alone "
" yeah umm can we bring Ember "
" of course "
She gave me a small smile
" come on "
I put my arm around her shoulder and walked out. We were in such a frantic state that we all got in Bobbys and eddies cars
" can I drive your jeep we all took two cars "
" yeah "
She gave me her keys usually she would have given me an on the fence look and say no but she didn't care. When we pulled up to there place Ember was at a window just waiting I went and got her and then we went to my house. When I walked in it was quite
" ok come on the spare room is just done here "
She looked like she was in a daze but she got in there and I closed the door and as soon as I walked into our room Karen was up I guess it makes sense because it's 5:30 in the morning and she has to be to work at 6:30 today
" So how is everyone "
" well Jake is fine but Buck he stopped breathing she had to do CPR "
" god those two have saved one another more times then I can count "
" yeah it's ok that I let her stay with us "
" totally she shouldn't be alone right now plus it would strange with the quiet I bet I mean I don't think Buck know what an inside voice is "
She smiled and I laughed because she was right. She gave me a hug and then she left and I was so tired that I passed out as soon as I got in bed.

When I got up and walked into the kitchen where she was instead of being sad like I thought she'd be she was smiling and making food. I looked at the time and it was noon she was making some chicken and I just sat down and soon she walked over with two plates of amazing smelling food
" hey Hen I just want to thank you for letting me stay here "
" of course "
I took a bite
" This is amazing and I thought it was good there because Bobby made it "
" Thanks, I think "
We laughed a little. When we were done she said
" oh I totally forgot you dint have your car should we go get it "
" oh yeah you're right yeah let's go "
We got in and Ember laid right down
" God she's such a good girl "
" yeah "
" I love seeing the kids get so excited when they see her "
" yeah and she loves all the attention "
The rest of the drive we listened to the radio. She pulled up next to my car
" ok well I'm going to see if I can see them I'll drop her off at home first "
" ok tell me how they are "
" yeah "
I leaned over and gave her a quick hug and then got out.

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