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I ate in my car and when I got home I scared them when I walked in and Ember jumped on TK
" Bobby told me to come home early umm TK how long are you here for "
" oh umm I'm going back on Monday "
" ok umm I'm going to go get changed and maybe we can go out for an early diner or something "
" sure "
I went to our room and when I looked at my side I pulled on one of the stitches that I some hoe pulled so it wasn't tight anymore. It was healed enough so I grabbed the scissors and cut that one off then put a bandage on it. I put on black jeans, a white t-shirt, and black shoes when I walked back out to them Buck said
" Hey I asked if Hen could watch Jake for a while and she said she can "
He walked over and gave me a kiss.

Bucks pov
We were walking around the open mall because Ruby wanted to get something from a makeup store and while we were waiting for her TK said
" god you're so lucky you know from all the story's I've heard I think you got the best human in the world "
" yeah I did how are you and Carlos "
" good ".
He smiled
" how's everyone there "
" we're good you know Marjan went viral again so "
We both laughed
" ready "
She said as she put her card away
" yeah where to "
" I think there's an Italian place around the corner "
" I bet it's got nothing on you, my love "
" come on "

We were almost done and we were making jokes and TK said
" you're the only one that hasn't been shot "
" hey don't wish that on my love it sucks "
They laughed and I knew he meant more then a scratch then she said
" oh my god Buck do you remember that boy like 5 months back that was going to jump because of his grades "
" no, but sure "
" oh well I got some food after work and I saw him he said that he passed with high grades "
TK just said
" how do you do that I mean everyone tries but how do you talk to them "
She looked at him for a second and said
" get there name then tell them yours tell them about you connect to them use we and the rest will just happen "
She shrugged and took the last bite of pasta the waiter came over
" Is this going to be separate tonight "
" no all together "
" ok "
He walked away
" I'll be back "
Ruby said. She had been gone awhile I looked around and found her at a table with an old man she was laughing. She got up with a smile and came back
" what was that "
" oh he said I reminded him of his granddaughter so we talked a little "
" that's sweet "
TK said and I gave her a kiss on the head. We fought about who was going to pay so we played Rock Paper Scissors and I won so I paid. We were walking out and she stopped at the counter and said
" hello umm would it be possible to pay for that mans food "
" why "
The teenage guy said and she simply said
" why not "
" ok "
She gave him her card without asking how much it was and after she signed she said
" Just tell him to call her "
" ok "

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