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Ruby's pov
I parked and we got out
" you guys go ahead I'll be in in a minute "
Buck said
" ok "
When we walked into the restaurant and Jake said
" Is this because of me "
He looked sad
" no, we were looking at moving anyway don't worry about that ok "
He nodded and we followed the woman to a both. A few minutes later he came in and said
" the person that's in there is moving out next week and we'll I May have asked Maddie to talk to the lady and well it looks like we're moving "
We all smiled and the waitress came over and we ordered.

When we got back to the apartment I opened the door and Ember was on her bed and waited till the door was closed.
" don't worry she won't bite "
Ember sniffed him a looked up at me and I said
" he's going to be living with us now ok baby I won't forget about you don't worry "
I gave her a kiss on the head and Jake started to play with her. I started to look at the information that the lady gave us. Buck was looking over my shoulder and said
" wait he goes to the same school as Christopher "
I closed the file and looked at them playing and he put his chin on the top of my head and he said
" We got this "
" yeah the universe decided it was time for us and this way we miss the screaming and crying in the middle of the night "
I looked up and gave him a kiss
" eww gross "
Jake said and we laughed
" ok so tonight umm you can sleep in "
" the couch is fine "
He said and we just looked at each other
" ok if that's what you want ... just let us know if you get hungry ok we ate at an odd time "
" ok "
We hung out and played some games and it was now 7:30
" ok well I think it's time for bed "
He started to move things to make a bed on the couch
" Here Jake let me do that "
When I was done I said
" ok we're right upstairs so if you need anything just yell "
He nodded and we went upstairs.

Luckily we both work at 9 today so we went to the school at 7 and got everything figured out and get him set up with the after school program and put Eddie down that he can pick him up
" ok well Mr and Mrs Buckley it looks like we got everything situated "
" thank you "
The man nodded and we walked out and he had a big smile on his face
" ok so we work till 6 tonight so you'll go to the after school program ok "
" ok "
He put his backpack on and we walked out of the office and before he ran off with his friends but not before he gave us both a hug. When we got back in I said
" This is real right not some twisted dream I'm having "
" nope "
He had a smile on his face as he started the car and drove us to work.

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