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Kokichi's POV

Hi, my name is Kokichi Ouma, the ultimate supreme leader. I'm what you call a class clown. I get in trouble for my jokes, but hey, they're the ones with no sense of humor. As you probably guessed, I don't have any friends, but who cares. In this world, it's every man for himself.
Even so, I'm still the leader of a group where I look out for every member. We are called D.I.C.E..

School had just ended and I couldn't be more happier. Me and the gang were gonna have a heist tonight. Well, it was actually more than a heist, since we're not just going to steal money, we're also gonna vandalize the entire bank!
I looked to my right and saw Gonta. I giggle, since I had an evil idea. I took out a plastic ant and threw it near the bug loving giant.
He noticed it. Perfect. I walked by, pretending not to notice Gonta, and walked on the toy bug. Obviously, Gonta freaked.
He crouched down to the plastic ant and held it in his hands. He was bawling his eyes out. As soon as I got far enough from him, I laughed my ass off.

Time skip to night

"Alright folks! Are you ready?!"
"Yeah, Boss!"
Me and a few of my goons arrived at the bank in our van. "Oki, when the cops show up, what do you do?" "Honk the wheel?" "Yes! Good boy!"
Oki was like a baby, so recruiting him was easy. He was like Gonta, minus the love for bugs.
Me and the rest of the gang walked to the entrance of the bank. "Hibaku." "Got it boss!" Hibaku, our demolition expert, placed a bomb on the door, then it exploded. Hibaku threw another bomb, an EMP this time, shutting off the alarm. Me and my lackeys waltzed right in.
"Tensai really outdone himself", said Hibaku. "Every organization needs an inventor, and who better to choose an inventor than yours truly", I said.
We went to vault and, with yet another bomb, opened it up and took every ounce of money. After a few minutes, we were loaded. "Now, let's leave a calling card for our boys in blue", I say, as I take out a spray can. I graffitied the wall with lots of goofy stuff, before adding the final touch by spraying our logo. "Alright. Let's go."
We ran out the bank and entered the van. I heard sirens off in the distance. "Alright folks, you know the drill!" My acquaintances understood what I was talking about as the put on their masks. If the cops were coming, their is a slight chance they could catch up too us and see our faces.
We drove off, laughing maniacally at the job we've done today. "Nicely done today everyone!", I say. "All in a day's work for D.I.C.E.!"

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